I've got about 15 bower packages in my project. Things like bootstrap, angular, jquery, ... Some of these have a lot of files that I don't care WE warning me about. They're there so I can easily get newer version of those packages. I've added a .weignore with one rule:
This works, but it slows down the build process a lot. The reason of this seems to be that WE still goes through all files and then decides if it will check them or not on individually. In the output window, I'm getting 1300+ lines like this:
3.8.2015 22:54:06: JSCS: The file bootstrap-colorpicker.js is ignored by .weignore. Skipping..
3.8.2015 22:54:38: LESS: The file toastr.less is ignored by .weignore. Skipping..
Having a way of excluding this whole folder would speed up the build process by a lot and would also get rid of the clutter in the Output window.
Can this be done at the moment? If not, consider this a feature request.
I've got about 15 bower packages in my project. Things like bootstrap, angular, jquery, ... Some of these have a lot of files that I don't care WE warning me about. They're there so I can easily get newer version of those packages. I've added a .weignore with one rule:
This works, but it slows down the build process a lot. The reason of this seems to be that WE still goes through all files and then decides if it will check them or not on individually. In the output window, I'm getting 1300+ lines like this:
Having a way of excluding this whole folder would speed up the build process by a lot and would also get rid of the clutter in the Output window.
Can this be done at the moment? If not, consider this a feature request.