madskristensen / WebEssentials2013

Visual Studio extension
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Can't create mixin for @font-face in VisualStudio 13 #1972

Open wiedikerli opened 8 years ago

wiedikerli commented 8 years ago

Hi I use VisualStudio13 with web-essentials. I want to create a less mixin for font-face.

I get a green curly under the @font-face and it says Unexcpected '@' block style rule. It cannot be compiled cause of that...

.fontFace(@flamaPath, "Flama-Basic")

.fontFace(@basePath, @fontName) {
    @font-face {
        font-family: '@{fontName}';
        src: url('@{basePath}/@{fontName}.eot');
        src: url('@{basePath}/@{fontName}.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
             url('@{basePath}/@{fontName}.woff') format('woff');

Thanks for the help!

wiedikerli commented 8 years ago

further more i cannot import a file inside a selector.

.usky-grid {
    @import (less) "../../../fonts/font-awesome-4.2.0/css/font-awesome.min.css";
    @import (less) "../../../Css/main.css";