madskristensen / WebEssentials2013

Visual Studio extension
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MAP files in Google Chrome not working #1993

Closed PeterMacko closed 8 years ago

PeterMacko commented 8 years ago

Dear all,

i have problem with Google chrome and map files generated from Web Essentials. Files are encoded with UTF8 with BOM but Chrome does not accespt this encoding for map files. Is it possible to change this behavior to encode map files as UTF8 without BOM or ANSII? Is there any workaround how to achieve right behavior in Google Chrome.

DorkForce commented 8 years ago

Following. I have seen this error, too, although I am using WE2015 with Web Compiler 1.10.306. I actually (3 weeks) recently set up my development machine and at that time did successfully see the mappings working. Now, starting yesterday, I'm getting the "Failed to parse SourceMap" error in Chrome Devtools.

karaliunas commented 8 years ago

I have the same problem too and it's annoying, because it disturbs to work normally with developer tools.

helldone1986 commented 8 years ago

i have a same problem

KucherenkoZZZ commented 8 years ago

Same here, failed to parse fullpage.js source map, plugin dont work on mobile :( Hope we have solution in near future!

platinumapps commented 8 years ago

Please go and star this issue so it can get resolved:

PeterMacko commented 8 years ago

You can close this issue. New Chrome 52 has fix for this problem. This is stackowerflow thread about it: and this is chrome issue report