madskristensen / WebEssentials2015

A Visual Studio extension for web developers
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Cannot reference `css` or `html` files for Markdown templates #171

Open ciel opened 8 years ago

ciel commented 8 years ago

When you open up a .md file, there is a message at the bottom that says ...

To customize this template, please head to VSWebEssentials for more information.

Following the link, you're given instructions on how to create a solution file that can contain different CSS or HTML for the markdown template. That's wonderful.

It makes this WE-Markdown.css file in your solution directory, and while that works, I wanted to have my logic put somewhere else - preferably the .essentials/markdown.css and .essentials/markdown.html. I have the following solution directory layout...

    /--[some ide config files]
    /[Project Name]

Using the defaults, the WE-Markdown.css gets created inside the [Project Name] folder - but I want the settings to point to the .essentials/markdown.css file. There is an option to point all this to a new file in the settings, but it's not clear how the pathing works;

I can't tell if the file needs to be relative to the solution items (virtual directories), the real directories, what folder it starts in, etc. I thought that just putting ../.essentials/markdown.css and ../.essentials/markdown.html would work, but it didn't find anything.

I've even tried putting the markdown.css and markdown.html in the same directory that WE-Markdown.css gets auto-created in, and making just those file names the path in the options; still no dice.

I think either this feature is bugged at the moment, expects a specific file name, or doesn't understand what it is doing with pathing.

Is there anything that can be done?