madskristensen / WebEssentials2015

A Visual Studio extension for web developers
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Web Essentials 2015 context menu greyed out! #172

Open TartanBono opened 8 years ago

TartanBono commented 8 years ago

I was using WE for VS2013 successfully, however we had to upgrade to VS2015 Enterprise to match our TFS 2015 upgrade.

Now when I right-click anywhere in a solution to add the intellisense file, all menu items are greyed out! I tried 'create solution settings' option from Web Essentials menu but no change. All sub-menu items within this menu are also greyed out.

I have uninstalled/restarted/installed but no change.

Any ideas how to enable the functionality?

PS. also opened solution previously setup with Web Essentials in VS2013, all related menu items are greyed out.

Windows 7 Pro SP1, VS2015 Update 1

Regards, TB