madskristensen / WebEssentials2015

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Link Style is Crashing VS 2015 #226

Open drobertson123 opened 7 years ago

drobertson123 commented 7 years ago

I was attempting to add a Ghost Style markdown link. At the point I entered the link open paren I had Visual Studio 2015 crash completely (and lost a bit of code.) :-(

I now realize that the Markdown style may not have been supported, but the complete system crash for this error should be addressed. The markdown I was entering was as follows;

[Marker interface pattern]( <= then crashed

The resulting error from the activity log is;

3329 ERROR System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.Markdown.Editor.Classification.CodeBackgroundTextAdornment.ShouldHighlightEntireLine(IWpfTextViewLine line) at Microsoft.Markdown.Editor.Classification.CodeBackgroundTextAdornment.CreateVisuals(IWpfTextViewLine line) at Microsoft.Markdown.Editor.Classification.CodeBackgroundTextAdornment.ProcessLine(ITextViewLine line) at Microsoft.Markdown.Editor.Classification.CodeBackgroundTextAdornment.ReprocessEntireView() at Microsoft.Markdown.Editor.Classification.CodeBackgroundTextAdornment.OnViewWidthChanged() at Microsoft.Markdown.Editor.Classification.CodeBackgroundTextAdornment.OnLayoutChanged(Object sender, TextViewLayoutChangedEventArgs e) at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Utilities.GuardedOperations.RaiseEvent[TArgs](Object sender, EventHandler`1 eventHandlers, TArgs args)

Editor or Editor Extension 2016/09/05 17:05:45.851

drobertson123 commented 7 years ago

On a side note, it would be extremely helpful to have a reference guide to the supported markdown. There seem to be several flavors and I am uncertain what exactly is supported. The website doesn't seem to have any reference to this that I can find.