madskristensen / WebEssentials2015

A Visual Studio extension for web developers
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WebEssentials creates reference with absolute path in Javascript settings which is shared when exporting the settings #230

Open FlorianDecker opened 7 years ago

FlorianDecker commented 7 years ago

When installing WebEssentials, there is a Reference Group created at "Options ->Text Editor -> JavaScript -> IntelliSense -> References -> Implicit (Web)".

This contains the absolute path to "Modern.Intellisense.js": "C:\Users\AppData\Local\Web Essentials 2015\Modern.Intellisense.js". When exporting the Visual Studio Settings (Tools -> Import and Export Settings) this reference is also exported.

We currently share our Visual Studio Settings team wide and with this setting, all other developers have a wrong path in the settings, which leads to errors when handling javascript files.

It would be preferable if the setting would either be not exported with the "Export settings" dialog or would contain a relative path.