madskristensen / WebEssentials2015

A Visual Studio extension for web developers
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Some Angular HTML expressions during Minification are ignored #231

Open patardi opened 7 years ago

patardi commented 7 years ago

There is an issue when minifying html containing angular elements. For example the following syntax:

ng-if="!isOk1 && !isOk2"

is output as:


An important part of the "if" expression is ignored. The output should have been:

ng-if=!isOk1 && !isOk2

Taritsyn commented 7 years ago

Hello, Patardi!

What version of Web Essentials 2015 you are using? In latest version (3.0.235) is no longer available menu items that responsible for minification.

On official website of Web Essentials published a warning:

Important! Bundling, minification and compilation of LESS, Sass and CoffeeScript is not longer part of Web Essentials 2015.

Install the new extensions Bundler & Minifier and Web Compiler instead. Also, see this list of other web development extensions that might be of interest to you.