madskristensen / WebEssentials2015

A Visual Studio extension for web developers
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Create Typescript Intellisense: Can a `Guid` type be generated as a `string` type #244

Open styfle opened 7 years ago

styfle commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to use string type instead of any type when generating a TypeScript Intellisense Definition file ( the .d.ts file)?

I know Guid is not a primitive type but could it be added to this dictionary?

gcastre commented 7 years ago

Hello @styfle I have done this in my fork (including generating type for enum instead of const enum)

There are the options in the config menu so you can disable what you want. Just recompile in release and change the version number, then install the WebEssentials2015.vsix in the bin/release folder

@madskristensen Should I make a PR for this ?