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Go To Definition takes you to wrong place for CSS classes #253

Open mlorbetske opened 7 years ago

mlorbetske commented 7 years ago

From @esargent on June 16, 2016 23:11

in cshtml file I have a tag with a CSS class defined: <div class="mystylerule">

When I right click "mystylerule" and select Go To Definition, it opens up a CSS file to the correct rule, but it opens up the file that's part of the "compiled" project - \bin\debug\net452\win7-x64\publish\wwwroot\css\main.less, not the source file as expected.

I started editing this file, but realized I had two main.less files open right next to each other. Otherwise this could have led to loss of data (the edits I was making)

Copied from original issue: aspnet/Tooling#596

mlorbetske commented 7 years ago

From @sayedihashimi on June 17, 2016 18:54

TFS Bug#232439