madskristensen / WebEssentials2017

A Visual Studio extension
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Intellisense missing across scss files for mixins/variables #35

Open funzeye opened 6 years ago

funzeye commented 6 years ago

Installed product versions


Intellisense missing across scss files.

Steps to recreate

  1. Create for example a mixin or variable in partial _file1.scss and try using it in partial _file2.scss - no intellisense available for the mixin/variable- All you get is a warning on the error list if you try to use the mixin/variable. Both partials listed/loaded in parent scss file.

Only current solution is to add /// <reference path="../_file1.scss" /> to the top of _file2.scss. While this works it is not a great solution as I have multiple mixin/variables files and many other scss files that use those mixins/variables, would take ages to add them all to each file and then to maintain them! tried adding reference path to a parent scss file but this does not work either.

Expected behavior

Would be great if mixins/variables were visible across files to prevent warning messages appearing and also for intellisense! Not sure if this is something that can be achieved with this extension or if it should be baked into VS by default.