madskristensen / WebPackTaskRunner

A Visual Studio extension
39 stars 16 forks source link

Custom task fails in task runner, but ok on cmd line #17

Closed apawsey closed 8 years ago

apawsey commented 8 years ago

Installed product versions

(folder and project names have been changed to protect the stupid - ie: me in case someone above doesn't like me posting details of this project - I've just started at the company).

I am building a solution with Aurelia and Webpack. First time I've used Webpack so, I fiddled repeatedly running builds via the cmd line, until I could understand everything better, and get everything green. Now everything's fine via the cmd line, but when I now tried to run it through the task explorer, I get a messy error.

So my script is defined in my package.json file as this: "build": "webpack --config webpack.config.js --profile --display-error-details",

(it did include the progress flag, but I removed it after seeing your comment it wasn't supported - no change to the issue though).

Running via the cmd line, gives this:

C:\Solution\Something>npm run build

> aurelia-dev-projet@1.0.0-beta.1.1.5 build C:\Solution\Something
> webpack --config webpack.config.js --progress --profile --display-error-details

9454ms build modules
7ms seal
13ms optimize
14ms hashing
27ms create chunk assets
6ms additional chunk assets
2ms optimize chunk assets
2ms optimize assets
95ms emit
Hash: 1f1375d1a8f85ac958ba
Version: webpack 1.12.14
Time: 9631ms
                                 Asset     Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
db812d8a70a4e88e888744c1c9a27e89.woff2  66.6 kB          [emitted]
  f4769f9bdb7466be65088239c12046d1.eot  20.1 kB          [emitted]
 fa2772327f55d8198301fdb8bcfc8158.woff  23.4 kB          [emitted]
  e18bbf611f2a2e43afc071aa2f4e1512.ttf  45.4 kB          [emitted]
  89889688147bd7575d6327160d64e760.svg   109 kB          [emitted]
  32400f4e08932a94d8bfd2422702c446.eot  70.8 kB          [emitted]
448c34a56d699c29117adc64c43affeb.woff2    18 kB          [emitted]
 a35720c2fed2c7f043bc7e4ffb45e073.woff  83.6 kB          [emitted]
  a3de2170e4e9df77161ea5d3f31b2668.ttf   142 kB          [emitted]
  f775f9cca88e21d45bebe185b27c0e5b.svg   366 kB          [emitted]
                             bundle.js   460 kB       0  [emitted]  main
                           1.bundle.js  2.07 MB       1  [emitted]
   [0] multi main 28 bytes {0} [built]
       factory:0ms building:2ms = 2ms
  [15] ./src ^\.\/.*$ 4.55 kB {1} [optional] [built]
       ... -> factory:16ms building:548ms dependencies:82ms
    + 160 hidden modules

However the output from the task runner is like this:

> cmd.exe /c npm run build --color=always -d
npm info it worked if it ends with ok
npm info using npm@1.4.9
> aurelia-dev-project@1.0.0-beta.1.1.5 build C:\Solution\Something
> webpack --config webpack.config.js --profile --display-error-details
npm info using node@v0.10.31
npm info prebuild aurelia-dev-project@1.0.0-beta.1.1.5
npm info build aurelia-dev-project@1.0.0-beta.1.1.5

          var moduleToIncludeSubModulesFor = subModulesToInclude.find(function
TypeError: Object [object Object],[object Object] has no method 'find'
    at C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\aurelia-webpack-plugin\index.js:102:66
    at AureliaWebpackPlugin.<anonymous> (C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\aurelia-webpack-plugin\index.js:57:5)
    at C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\aurelia-webpack-plugin\index.js:90:7
    at C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\webpack\lib\ContextModuleFactory.js:124:5
    at C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:52:16
    at C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:361:13
    at C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:52:16
    at done (C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:246:17)
    at C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:44:16
    at C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:358:17
    at C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\webpack\lib\ContextModuleFactory.js:124:5
    at C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:52:16
    at C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:361:13
    at C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:52:16
    at done (C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:246:17)
    at C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:44:16
    at C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:358:17
    at C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\webpack\lib\ContextModuleFactory.js:112:8
    at ContextModuleFactory.<anonymous> (C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\webpack\node_modules\tapable\lib\Tapable.js:82:11)
    at ContextModuleFactory.<anonymous> (C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\webpack\lib\dependencies\RequireContextPlugin.js:50:4)
    at ContextModuleFactory.<anonymous> (C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\webpack\node_modules\tapable\lib\Tapable.js:84:14)
    at ContextModuleFactory.<anonymous> (C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\webpack\lib\dependencies\RequireContextPlugin.js:32:4)
    at ContextModuleFactory.applyPluginsAsyncWaterfall (C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\webpack\node_modules\tapable\lib\Tapable.js:86:13)
    at ContextModuleFactory.<anonymous> (C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\webpack\lib\ContextModuleFactory.js:103:12)
    at Storage.finished (C:\Solution\Something\node_modules\webpack\node_modules\enhanced-resolve\lib\CachedInputFileSystem.js:38:16)
    at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:107:15)
npm info aurelia-dev-project@1.0.0-beta.1.1.5 Failed to exec build script
npm ERR! aurelia-dev-project@1.0.0-beta.1.1.5 build: `webpack --config webpack.config.js --profile --display-error-details`
npm ERR! Exit status 8
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the aurelia-dev-project@1.0.0-beta.1.1.5 build script.
npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the aurelia-dev-project package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR!     webpack --config webpack.config.js --profile --display-error-details
npm ERR! You can get their info via:
npm ERR!     npm owner ls aurelia-dev-project
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! System Windows_NT 6.2.9200
npm ERR! command "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\Common7\\IDE\\Extensions\\Microsoft\\Web Tools\\External\\\\node\\node" "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\Common7\\IDE\\Extensions\\Microsoft\\Web Tools\\External\\npm\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "run" "build" "--color=always" "-d"
npm ERR! cwd C:\Solution\Something
npm ERR! node -v v0.10.31
npm ERR! npm -v 1.4.9
Process terminated with code 1.

Steps to recreate

I haven't been able to recreate another test project at the moment. I would be happy to attempt to debug this, although to be honest, I have no idea how you can debug a task runner extension. I will try and research that so I can step through things in a little more detail.

Current behavior

Build fails in context of task runner, when it succeeds outside of Visual Studio environment.

Expected behavior

Build should succeed in task runner.

apawsey commented 8 years ago

Apologies - just realised this is actually being run through the npm task runner, so I'm closing this, and opening the issue there. Again my apologies for being a bit sloppy!