madskristensen / WebPackTaskRunner

A Visual Studio extension
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Task runner explorer does not appear in context menu #23

Closed MakarovAV closed 7 years ago

MakarovAV commented 7 years ago

Installed product versions

Task runner explorer does not appear in context menu

I installed this extension and all prerequirements according to this guide:

Webpack config templates added successfuly. I can also see webpack watermark when editing config files, so extention partitially working.

But i cant find a way to start task runner, it just does not appear in context menu for config files: smth_wrong

MakarovAV commented 7 years ago

Ok, finally figured it out: webpack config should be added in root project directory. I think it should be more clear, wasted an hour(

madskristensen commented 7 years ago

Good point. I should state that loud and clear in the It's a limitation of the Task Runner Explorer and not this extension actually