madsmtm / objc2

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`currentDrawable` property is not accessible in `MTKView` #570

Closed dmbfm closed 1 week ago

dmbfm commented 3 months ago

When using MTKView for rendering with the Metal API there seems to be no way to access the currentDrawable property of MTKView so we can present it.

Currently I do this as a workaround and it works fine:

type ID<T> = Id<ProtocolObject<T>>;

trait MTKViewCurrentDrawable {
    fn current_drawable(&self) -> Option<ID<dyn MTLDrawable>>;

impl MTKViewCurrentDrawable for MTKView {
    fn current_drawable(&self) -> Option<ID<dyn MTLDrawable>> {
        unsafe { msg_send_id![self, currentDrawable] }
madsmtm commented 3 months ago

That's because it actually returns CAMetalDrawable, which itself is kinda weird; it exists in the QuartzCore/CoreAnimation framework (along with a bunch of other CAMetalX), but extends the MTLDrawable protocol from the Metal framework, so there's a kind of circular dependency here, which I think I was unsure of how to resolve cleanly.

madsmtm commented 3 months ago

Hmm, no, actually, I think MTKView is defined in MetalKit, so this should be fixable

madsmtm commented 3 months ago

I've fixed part of this in, the QuartzCore framework wasn't properly public, so we couldn't really use it in the other frameworks.

Still need to actually generate the CAMetalDrawable class.