madsmtm / objc2

Bindings to Apple's frameworks in Rust
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Allow `FnMut` in blocks? #571

Open madsmtm opened 3 months ago

madsmtm commented 3 months ago

Upstream issue:

Should we allow Block<dyn FnMut()>, and how would we do it safely?

At the very least, we'd have to prevent any form of Block::copy/RcBlock::clone on these, as that could lead to multiple mutable references being present. In particular, it is difficult to prevent re-entrancy if the block is shared.

This decision is blocked on a resolution in, though we might still decide to allow FnMut in block2, even if we don't allow it in objc2, as most (non-@escaping, non-@Sendable) blocks (probably) really are safely mutable.

See also for discussion on why FnOnce is impossible, we should document that somewhere more visible when tackling this issue.