madsmtm / objc2

Bindings to Apple's frameworks in Rust
MIT License
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Implement the Security framework? #596

Closed grahamc closed 1 day ago

grahamc commented 1 month ago


Taking a brief look at this, it looks really nice to expose the libraries so directly. It looks like the Security frameworks have not been included, but I also haven't seen any mention about why in any issue. Is this a task that is not yet done, but also maybe not too hard? Or is this likely to be a very challenging task? I'm happy and able to help.

Thank you!

madsmtm commented 1 month ago

It hasn't been included because it needs types from CoreFoundation, and header-translator is not set up to handle that yet (since it's a challenging task, see for some of it).

madsmtm commented 1 month ago

See the security-framework crate for manually written bindings

madsmtm commented 1 day ago

I've added a bit more information on how to interop with such crates in eb39164bcf67c8e8328cfe493b7be37a9e5101a7.

Interfacing with CoreFoundation-like frameworks is tracked in, so am going to close this.