madsmtm / objc2

Bindings to Apple's frameworks in Rust
MIT License
281 stars 35 forks source link

New versions #601

Closed madsmtm closed 1 month ago

madsmtm commented 1 month ago

Post merge:

madsmtm commented 1 month ago

why do the framework-crates don't use objc2 or block2 as a workspace dependency? There's probably a good reason but figured I'd ask.

Because I found that since I autogenerate the Cargo.tomls, it wasn't really a maintenance restriction, and then I might as well maintain a MSRV of 1.60 for at least a little while yet. Will do it as part of

madsmtm commented 1 month ago

Update: I'm hitting's rate-limits for publishing new crates, it's gonna take me a while to get all of these out. I've sent an email to the team and requested an increase, so that it doesn't happen again.

Additionally, I ended up publishing icrate v0.1.2, as both v0.1.0 and v0.1.1 stops compiling with the newer objc2 v0.5.1, since they used glob imports, and I added the NSObjectProtocol::hash method. I considered yanking objc2, but decided to go this route instead since I caught and fixed the problem within ~2.5 hours, and it's only if someone happened to run cargo update in that time-frame that their build would be broken (and the fix for users would be cargo update no matter which path I took to fix it).

Will add you (@simlay) as co-owner once everything is published.