Can i get some help on this issue possibly? Maybe I'm just using the tool wrong.
According to phpenv, when i do a phpenv exec php --ini, im shown that im loading php files from only 1 specific location.
But if i include phpenv inside my jenkins run, im sourcing php.inis from 2 locations, which is causing php to load modules for a very old version of php which im using phpenv to get around.
Can i get some help on this possibly or debug assistance in figuring out why its attempting to load the old version?
Can i get some help on this issue possibly? Maybe I'm just using the tool wrong.
According to phpenv, when i do a phpenv exec php --ini, im shown that im loading php files from only 1 specific location.
But if i include phpenv inside my jenkins run, im sourcing php.inis from 2 locations, which is causing php to load modules for a very old version of php which im using phpenv to get around.
Can i get some help on this possibly or debug assistance in figuring out why its attempting to load the old version?