maelstrom-research / Rmonize

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Minor : discrepancy between rule_category and harmo_rule types not flagged for direct_mapping #46

Open SamEBT opened 7 months ago

SamEBT commented 7 months ago

When the rule_category is direct_mapping, it looks like the harmo_rule is ignored. It makes sense from a coding perspective but from a user perspective I think such a discrepancy should be flagged by a warning.

Example here: image

This example is not really relevant because the input_variable is not the same as the one in the harmo_rule (but this is how I catched it).

However, in a case where I would first set a direct mapping with a variable and then change my mind because the variable needs to be changed and I change only the harmo_rule and forget to change the rule_category then the script would run and I wouldn't notice that my new rule was not taken into account because I forgot to change the rule_category. In this case, it would have been good and important to have a warning or even maybe an error to flag this discrepancy.

GuiFabre commented 7 months ago

good point: here is the thing : the function data_proc_elem_evaluate() experimental is currently being under construction. It has been decided that this function would be in the next-next version. If you wanna help, hehe 👍


To be continued...