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Properly support PAP inner authentication #142

Closed MerlijnWajer closed 6 years ago

MerlijnWajer commented 6 years ago

There is MSCHAP, MSCHAPV2, PAP-MSCHAPV2 and so on, the same holds true for other inner authentications. See this entire IRC log:

20:48 < Wizzup> EAP TTLS PAP
20:48 < Pali> I guess it should be EAP-TTLS with PAP
20:48 < Wizzup> yes, but in the connui widget you are already in the TTLS sub thing
20:48 < Wizzup> let me double check
20:49 < Pali> EAP-TTLS can use as its inner authentication either, PAP, CHAP, MSCHAP(v2) or any other EAP method
20:49 < Wizzup> so in fremantle it says:
20:49 < Pali> and there is also EAP-MSCHAPV2 authen method, therefore you can use EAP-TTLS with EAP-MSCHAPV2
20:50 < Wizzup> EAP method: {EAP GTC, EAP MSCHAPV2, MSCHAPV2, EAP PAP}
20:50 < Pali> and it is different as EAP-TTLS with MSCHAPV2
20:50 < Wizzup> Pali: could you enlighten me how those MSCHAPV2 are different? I tried to search but didn't find it
20:51 < Wizzup> That is, I am not sure what fremantle eapd does with either of them. I've currently mapped both to wpa_supplicant
                phase2="auth=MSCHAPV2", which is wrong, but I could not figure it out
20:51 < Pali> EAP-TTLS defines IIRC 4 methods for inner authentications: PAP, CHAP, MSCHAP or any other generic EAP method
20:51 < Pali> and there is EAP method for MSCHAP
20:51 < Pali> so EAP-TTLS can use MSCHAP directly, or can wrap MSCHAP into another EAP layer
20:52 < Wizzup> but both of it happens in phase2, does it not?
20:52 < Wizzup> (because it is ttls)
20:52 < Pali> yes, those are inner auth (in wpa supplicant terminology phase2)
20:53 < Pali>
20:54 < Pali> so there are 5 possible phase2 (inner) methods: EAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP, MS-CHAP-V2, PAP
20:55 -!- spiiroin [] has joined #maemo-leste
20:55 < Pali> and as EAP you can use any EAP protocol, including EAP-MSCHAPV2
20:56 < Pali> in wpa_supplicant.conf you specify phase2 as:
20:57 < Pali> phase2="auth=MSCHAPV2" or phase2="auth=MSCHAP" or phase2="auth=PAP" or phase2="auth=CHAP"
20:58 < Wizzup> right, and this would not be eap with eap authorisation (with then other mechanism in there), right?
20:58 < Pali> and if you are using EAP as inner phase2, then you specify it as: phase2="autheap=TYPE" (where TYPE EAP-method without "EAP-" prefix)
20:58 < Wizzup> Ah!
20:59 < Wizzup> I guess I'll modify this according then:
21:01 < Pali> so for EAP-TTLS as outher (phase1) with EAP-MSCHAPV2 inner (phase2) you would write: eap=TTLS phase2="autheap=MSCHAPV2"
21:01 < Pali> for EAP-TTLS with MSCHAPV2 you write: eap=TTLS phase2="auth=MSCHAPV2"
21:03 < Pali> now I see that in Maemo Settings GUI for WPA EAP TTLS connection is incorrect description of selections
21:04 < Wizzup> the maemo ui is a bit confusing
21:04 < Wizzup> but now at least I understand the difference much better
21:04 < Pali> in first line is selection box for certificate and in section line is selection box named "EAP method" with options: "EAP GTC", "EAP
              MSCHAPV2", "MSCHAPV2", "EAP PAP"
21:05 < Pali> first two are EAP methods, remaining two are non-EAP methods
21:05 < Pali> instead of "EAP method" it should be named "inner authentication" or similar
21:05 < Pali> and instead of "EAP PAP" should be only "PAP"
21:06 < Pali> there is no EAP-PAP protocol (or at least I have not heard about it)
21:06 < Wizzup> *nod*
21:06 < Pali> for sure in context of EAP-TTLS it is just PAP as specified in above RFC5281 (linked above)
21:07 < Wizzup> yes, I also assumed this was the case here:
21:08 < Pali> XXX: For now we assume EAP_TTLS_MS and EAP_MS are the same. --> those are different!
21:08 < Wizzup> so you're saying there cannot be, in wpa_supplicant terminology: phase2="autheap=PAP"
21:08 < Wizzup> Pali: yes, this is what I asked :)
21:08 < Wizzup> I will change that now
21:08 < Wizzup> well, soon
21:08 < Pali> yes, there cannot be any autheap=PAP
21:08 < Pali> and beware of one thing, configs are in wpa supplicant case sensitive
21:08 < Pali> and correct name is MSCHAPV2 not MSCHAPv2
21:09 < Pali> older versioins of wpa supplicant did prefix match
21:09 < Pali> and MSCHAPv2 parsed as MSCHAP
21:09 < Pali> as MSCHAP is valid method
21:09 < Wizzup> heh
21:09 < Pali> without any warning
21:09 < Wizzup> regarding case sensitive: *nod* I've looked at my wpa_supplicant.conf and just tries to copy it from that directly
21:12 < Pali> so for eap_inner_type == EAP_TTLS_MS you should generate same config as for EAP_TTLS_PAP just replace PAP by MSCHAPV2
21:12 < Pali> (if by MS you mean V2 version)
21:13 < Wizzup> in maemo UI this is V2, just the define isn't named like that
21:13 < Wizzup> I took the define from your commit to libicd-network-wlan
21:13 < Pali> and for EAP_GTC you need to set GTC token
21:14 < Pali> basically plain text password
21:14 < Wizzup> I was wondering about this, because the maemo UI doesn't seem to allow to set the GTC passcode from the settings
21:14 < Wizzup> but it is in gconf: EAP_GTC_passcode
21:14 < Pali> see:
21:14 < Wizzup> Pali: this commit:
21:15 < Pali> yes, maemo gui does not allow to set it, it is bug
21:15 < Wizzup> Pali: *nod* we can just add that easily :)
21:16 < Pali> I needed it 6 years ago :) but I was happy that via secret gconf key it worked
21:16 < Wizzup> Pali: now that you are here - what is that 'default password' just below the EAP defines?
21:16 < Wizzup> yes, now that freemangordon has RE'd the ui entirely, we can add it:
21:16 < Pali> #define DEFAULT_PASSWORDI"AeHi5ied"
21:17 < Wizzup> yes, that one
21:17 < Pali> it is password for encrypting local certificate/private via certman
21:17 < Wizzup> so by default they are encrypted with a known password?
21:18 < Pali> if you store certificate with private key into maemo certman, then Maemo ask you for entering passphrase for encrypting it
21:18 < Pali> if you do not specify passphrase, then Maemo certman encrypt it with above default passphrase
21:18 < Wizzup> ok
21:19 < Wizzup> OK, I get it, since openssl is total pain when you leave password empty
21:19 < Pali> and also certman everytime when accessing certificate with private key tries to decrypt it with above password
21:19 < Pali> if it fails, then it ask for passphrase via Maemo GUI
21:19 < Wizzup> makes sense
21:19 < Pali> and IIRC there was a bug in some GUI dialog which tries to set NULL password instead of buf[0]=0
21:20 < Pali> and crashed some process...
21:20 < Wizzup> in maemosec-certman ? or connui?
21:20 < Pali> do not remember, but I fixed it
21:20 < Wizzup> ah :)
21:21 < Pali> in CSSU repo
21:21 < Wizzup> we use code from cssu where possible, so then we'll inherit the fix
21:22 < Wizzup> Pali: probably maemo-security-certman-applet
21:22 < Pali>
21:23 < Pali>
21:23 < Wizzup> acknowledged
21:23 < Pali>
21:23 < Wizzup> those are in our maemo-security-certman-applet that is ported to openssl 1.1.0 as well
21:23 < Wizzup> err
21:23 < Wizzup> ah, yes
21:25 < Pali> anyway, when you are using wpa_supplicant, there are more new EAP methods with are in use...
21:26 < Pali> e.g. EAP-PWD
21:27 < Pali> and... another thing, are you going to reverse enginneer libicd-network-ipv6?
21:27 < sicelo> iirc it supports EAP-SIM as well?
21:27 < Pali> sicelo: yes
21:27 < Pali> I remember that libicd-network-ipv6 had some bugs which I more times workarounded in shell scripts which that binary run
21:27 < Wizzup> Pali: Regarding RE libicd-network-ipv6, I hope freemangordon will. I'm not a real RE hero, although I could learn
21:28 < Wizzup> do you have specific comments regarding it?
21:28 < Wizzup> as for EAP-PWD and EAP-SIM - I will go through this irc log in the weekend and make tickets for all things to do be done
21:29 < Pali>
21:29 < Pali> in maemo extras is a package libicd-network-ipv6-scripts which contains wrapper script rtsol
21:30 < Pali> and that changes return value of rtsol.real to be correctly processed by libicd-network-ipv6
21:31 < Pali> for ipv6: I can help with details how to implement it correctly -- specialy correct autoconfiguration
21:31 < Pali> as it is not so simple
21:31 < Wizzup> great :)
21:32 < Pali> (needed to check M/O bits in RA, start dhcpv6 client in correct mode, etc...)
21:35 < Pali> I have written daemon radvc which listen for IPv6 Router Advertisement packets, parse them and run external script with parsed data
21:37 < Pali> external script then have in variables e.g. dns servers, ipv6 routes, M, O bits, ... and can do whatever what with it
21:38 < Pali> icd2 uses for it rtsol, but incorrectly and does not handle rdns servers...
21:40 < Wizzup> some of this ipv6 stuff is over my head - I'm not that well verged in ipv6, only the basics
21:48 -!- sunshavi [~user@] has joined #maemo-leste
21:49 < Wizzup> there is also EAP PAX ?
21:49 < Wizzup> yeah, several more even it seems
21:50 < Wizzup> note to self: we should also have a different icon for wpa eap than for wpa psk
22:10 < Pali> see what is supported
22:10 < Pali> and also
22:12 < Wizzup> *nod*
MerlijnWajer commented 6 years ago

PAP inner auth should now work properly. There are still UI changes to make, as well as other method to support, but I'm closing this ticket. I've linked to this ticket from other tickets where relevant (because of the background information)