maestrith / AHK-Studio

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"Disable Autosave" not working #197

Open RobotMan73 opened 5 years ago

RobotMan73 commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure where to find the version number i'm currently running. Displaying the "About" section doesn't show it. Version is current to today (3/25/2019).

I've enabled the "Disable Autosave" option under "Options" -> "Program Options" but whenever any changes are made to any opened files, if I close the files and reopen, all the changes were saved. I also don't receive any dialogue message when closing files/program stating there are unsaved changes.

When changes are made I can see the "*" next to the file(s) but cannot find a way discard changes. I'm pretty new to AHK Studio, are there any work-arounds to discard changes without saving?

rediffusion commented 4 years ago


You're right it's this bug 🐞 still not fixed.