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Improvement menu - invalid commands #210

Open dmtr99 opened 4 years ago

dmtr99 commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to make the menu more advanced?

The "Jump to Function" and "Jump to Next availible" is a amazing function, but will fail if for example ran on a empty lines with the message "No Text found in the regex".

It would be nice if before displaying the menu, you could check if commands like that are possible and hide the command if it would fail. Maybe make a setting of it to allow, hide or disable the command that would result in this error.

Another way would be to make a different menu for when you rightmouseclick a custom function, label, variable, ahk function,...

Another improvement would be to add the hotkey of the commands in the menu, this would stimulate the users to learn the hotkeys. Example: Omni-search (Ctrl+Alt+O)

rediffusion commented 4 years ago


The "Jump to Function" and "Jump to Next availible" is a amazing function, but will fail if for example ran on a empty lines with the message "No Text found in the regex".

Not only this. I find that there are a lot of commands which no functioning!

hotkey of the commands in the menu

Help > Display Hotkeys