maestrith / AHK-Studio

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AHKStudio not reloading/updating script when changed in another program #233

Closed Lightgreen40 closed 7 months ago

Lightgreen40 commented 3 years ago


I noticed that when I have opened an AHK script in AHKStudio and then change the same script in another program, e.g. Notepad++ (and save the changes there), AHKStudio does not update/reload the script (even though it has changed).

The other way round Notepad++ informs you that the file has been changed in another program and then asks you whether you want to reload the file or not. Is there some way to activate this functionality in AHKStudio? Or is there some workaround for this?

Would greatly appreciate if you could look into this, as I really use AHKStudio very often.
