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[Feature request] External file modification monitor enhancement #237

Open WilliamStone opened 3 years ago

WilliamStone commented 3 years ago


AHK Studio is convenient and powerful, yet I use it in combine with AutoGUI, Because AutoGUI has convenient debug capability. Now I face a problem: when I open one source file in both AHK Studio and AutoGUI, and I modify code in AHK Studio and switch to AutoGUI, AutoGUI will automatically prompt me to refresh modified file content. However, if I modify code in AutoGUI and switch back to AHK Studio, AHK Studio will not prompt me that file changed and needs refresh. Furthermore, there is no way to reload file content manually, I have to close the file and reopen it in AHK Studio to get modified file loaded. Thus, I wish there be external file modification monitor function in AHK Studio, which can enable AHK Studio to work with other editors well. After research, I found an option "Check for edited file on focus" which meets my wish, but after I tried it, I still found it not suitable.

  1. There is a delay up to a few seconds between AHK Studio window is activated and file content refreshed;
  2. AHK Studio always reloads file content without prompt, regardless of user intention;
  3. 1 & 2 conbined, there is no hint whether AHK Studio does reload file or not; I have to manually check file content to be sure;
  4. Most severely, AHK Studio reloads file without prompt even if file in AHK Studio is dirty (edited and not saved yet). This may cause user modified content lost.

Please enhance external file modification to fix above problems. Thank you very much!