I was expecting to be able to observe the mdns entires that (I gather) are stood up when a dat node is sharing. So I used "Discovery" on MacOS an then "Service Browser" on my Android phone and they didn't show anything. (Both apps are avail in MacOS/Android App stores).
So being puzzled I enquire in irc/glitter and after a while I was told that the Dat mDNS implementation is "similar but incompatible with spec".
hm, mdsn labels are limited to 63 octets, but yeah a that's not 64 of the ed25519 public-keys used by dat:// urls and i suspect in the host names of this mdns discovery scheme.
I was expecting to be able to observe the mdns entires that (I gather) are stood up when a dat node is sharing. So I used "Discovery" on MacOS an then "Service Browser" on my Android phone and they didn't show anything. (Both apps are avail in MacOS/Android App stores).
So being puzzled I enquire in irc/glitter and after a while I was told that the Dat mDNS implementation is "similar but incompatible with spec".
if true, that's a bug.