mafintosh / dns-packet

An abstract-encoding compliant module for encoding / decoding DNS packets
MIT License
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RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "offset" is out of range. #60

Open alcor93 opened 4 years ago

alcor93 commented 4 years ago

I have seen specific DNS request for google is failing with this error RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "offset" is out of range. It must be >= 0 and <= 49. Received 73 at Object.answer.decode (/home/pi/bin/nodejs/dns/node_modules/dns-packet/index.js:1353:31)

DNS request was : 000e0100000100000000000106676f6f676c6503636f6d0000010001010029100000000000000c000a0008121badeb9ce77e55

pusateri commented 4 years ago

Can you post some test code that reproduces the problem? Feel free to start with the sample code.

alcor93 commented 4 years ago

this code will generate the error

const { encode, decode } = require('dns-packet'); console.log(decode(Buffer.from('000e0100000100000000000106676f6f676c6503636f6d0000010001010029100000000000000c000a0008121badeb9ce77e55','hex')));

pusateri commented 4 years ago

I don't know if you realize it or not but you're making this extra difficult to help you. To make it easier to help you, you could:

  1. attach sample code that sends out a query to a resolver and returns a response. That way it could also be decoded easily by tcpdump/wireshark or reproduced with dig for quickly isolating the problem.
  2. include a tcpdump/wireshark pcap file that we could dump ourselves (less helpful, but better than you have provided so far). I'm not saying we can't debug it with the minimal amount you have given but so far, looking at raw bytes and not knowing any resolver that might generate them, makes it less urgent.
alcor93 commented 4 years ago

This code will generate the error.

const dnsPacket = require('dns-packet')
const dgram = require('dgram')

const server = dgram.createSocket('udp4')

server.on('message', (msg, rinfo) => {
  console.log(dnsPacket.decode(msg)) // prints out a response from google dns


I am not sure this code will help you more than what I provided you before.

I tried to log the received message which lead to the issue What I can tell you is, that 000e0100000100000000000106676f6f676c6503636f6d0000010001010029100000000000000c000a0008121badeb9ce77e55 => this one will fail Whereas 000c0100000100000000000106676f6f676c6503636f6d0000010001000029100000000000000c000a0008121badeb9ce77e55 => this one will be well decoded without any issue

The difference is not so big. It's quite difficult to get information about additional data in DNS protocol, It's why I raised this ticket.

In another approch, Offset which is defined and used in the index.js:1353:31 should be checked according the length of the buffer to avoid such error.

pusateri commented 4 years ago

yes, this code doesn't help at all because it isn't generating a request. You're still providing a precomputed response to decode. But your follow-on information does describe the problem more which is helpful. But I don't understand why you can't modify udp.js in the examples to exhibit the problem and post that? All I have been asking for is a request to make it easy to troubleshoot.

pusateri commented 4 years ago

I can certainly guess at this based on decoding the response by hand but I am busy and if you already know this, why can't you just make it easy for us?

pusateri commented 4 years ago

I decoded the second one by hand and it looks fine: 000c0100000100000000000106676f6f676c6503636f6d0000010001000029100000000000000c000a0008121badeb9ce77e55 000c ID 0100 query RD bit set 0001 qdcount 0000 ancount 0000 nscount 0001 arcount 06676f6f676c65 google 03636f6d00 com 0001 qtype A 0001 qclass IN 00 root 0029 OPT RR 1000 4096 MTU 00000000 exteded rcode & flags 000c RDLEN 12 000a option code (Cookie) 0008 option length 8 121badeb9ce77e55 (client cookie)

Then I decode the first one and it's not a valid DNS packet:

000e0100000100000000000106676f6f676c6503636f6d0000010001010029100000000000000c000a0008121badeb9ce77e55 000e ID 0100 query recursion-desired (RD bit set) 0001 qdcount 0000 ancount 0000 nscount 0001 arcount 06676f6f676c65 google 03636f6d com 00 label termination 0001 qtype A 0001 qclass IN 01 00 error - not a valid label 29100000000000000c000a0008121badeb9ce77e55 Not 29 hex bytes of label left in packet

pusateri commented 4 years ago

It seems like this is a reasonable error for a malformed packet.