mafintosh / tar-stream

tar-stream is a streaming tar parser and generator.
MIT License
400 stars 93 forks source link

Add browser support #148

Closed arikmaor closed 1 year ago

arikmaor commented 1 year ago

I want to use this awesome package in the browser as well I seems to me it once worked (looking at your tar-browser repository) Is there any way to bring it back?

mafintosh commented 1 year ago

Should work in the browser already

arikmaor commented 1 year ago

I've created this repo so you can see my problem, perhaps you have a solution

It's a simple project initialized with create-react-app and I'm trying to use tar-stream in a very simple way

const pack = tar.pack();
pack.on('data', (data) => console.log(data));
pack.entry({name: 'test.txt'}, 'test content');

During build I'm getting this error:

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs' in '/home/runner/work/tar-stream-bug/tar-stream-bug/node_modules/tar-stream'
guest271314 commented 1 year ago

You should just be able to do something like CompressionStream('gzip')) in browsers which support Compression API. To decompress .tar.gz archives in the browser I do this to extract node executable for Node.js nightly release and get rid of npm, node_modules and everything else in the archive except node

          let [node_nightly_build] = await (
            await fetch('')
          let { version, files } = node_nightly_build;
          let node_nightly_url = `${version}/node-${version}-${osArch}.tar.gz`;
          let url = `${cors_api_url}${node_nightly_url}`;
          console.log(`Fetching ${node_nightly_url}`);
          const request = (await fetch(url)).body.pipeThrough(
            new DecompressionStream('gzip')
          // Download gzipped tar file and get ArrayBuffer
          const buffer = await new Response(request).arrayBuffer();
          // Decompress gzip using pako
          // Get ArrayBuffer from the Uint8Array pako returns
          // const decompressed = await pako.inflate(buffer);
          // Untar, js-untar returns a list of files
          // (See for details)
          const untarFileStream = new UntarFileStream(buffer);
          while (untarFileStream.hasNext()) {
            file =;
            if (/\/bin\/node$/.test( {
          writable = await fileSystemHandle.createWritable();
          writer = writable.getWriter();
          await writer.write(file.buffer);
          await writer.close();
arikmaor commented 1 year ago

@guest271314 10x for the response but unfortunately that doesn't help me at all

CompressionStream and DecompressionStream are for gzip so they are a bit out of scope for this repository and my issue, we're only dealing with tar side of things

So I'm left with your suggestion to use UntarFileStream, which is an alternative to this repository, that does not solve creating tar files, only parsing existing files. I need to create a tar file in the browser

@mafintosh have you a chance to look at my repo?

dwwinters commented 1 year ago

@mafintosh: Wouldn't this issue with b4a indicate that this won't work in the browser?

guest271314 commented 1 year ago

that does not solve creating tar files, only parsing existing files. I need to create a tar file in the browser

I think that is possible using the source code in this repository. If we can parse it we can write it.

guest271314 commented 1 year ago

We can substitute or File API for fs, Streams API for streamx, TextEncoder, TextEncoder for encoding. The rest is just writing the algorithm without reliance on Node.js.

guest271314 commented 1 year ago

I first tried to bundle with esbuild (I do not have node or npm installed)

$ package/bin/esbuild tar-stream-3.0.0/index.js --bundle --minify --sourcemap
✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "fs"

      1 │ const { constants } = require('fs')
        ╵                               ~~~~

  The package "fs" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are
  you trying to bundle for node? You can use "--platform=node" to do that, which
  will remove this error.

✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "streamx"

      2 │ const { Readable, Writable } = require('streamx')
        ╵                                        ~~~~~~~~~

  You can mark the path "streamx" as external to exclude it from the bundle,
  which will remove this error. You can also surround this "require" call with a
  try/catch block to handle this failure at run-time instead of bundle-time.

✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "string_decoder"

      3 │ const { StringDecoder } = require('string_decoder')
        ╵                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  The package "string_decoder" wasn't found on the file system but is built into
  node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "--platform=node" to do
  that, which will remove this error.

✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "b4a"

      4 │ const b4a = require('b4a')
        ╵                     ~~~~~

  You can mark the path "b4a" as external to exclude it from the bundle, which
  will remove this error. You can also surround this "require" call with a
  try/catch block to handle this failure at run-time instead of bundle-time.

✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "bl"

      1 │ const bl = require('bl')
        ╵                    ~~~~

  You can mark the path "bl" as external to exclude it from the bundle, which
  will remove this error. You can also surround this "require" call with a
  try/catch block to handle this failure at run-time instead of bundle-time.

✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "streamx"

      2 │ const { Writable, PassThrough } = require('streamx')
        ╵                                           ~~~~~~~~~

  You can mark the path "streamx" as external to exclude it from the bundle,
  which will remove this error. You can also surround this "require" call with a
  try/catch block to handle this failure at run-time instead of bundle-time.

6 of 7 errors shown (disable the message limit with --log-limit=0)

Then I bundled online with bundlejs

:12 Uncaught Error: Dynamic require of "stream" is not supported
    at VM399 output1.js:12:9
    at http-url: (VM399 output1.js:5722:18)
    at __require2 (VM399 output1.js:15:50)
    at http-url: (VM399 output1.js:6141:24)
    at __require2 (VM399 output1.js:15:50)
    at http-url: (VM399 output1.js:7600:14)
    at __require2 (VM399 output1.js:15:50)
    at http-url: (VM399 output1.js:8029:23)
    at __require2 (VM399 output1.js:15:50)
    at VM399 output1.js:8036:35
(anonymous) @ V

Node.js specific 'streams' are used in this repository, so before diving in to substituting Streams API for Node.js specific 'streams', et al. modules I looked around and found this It works as described

guest271314 commented 1 year ago

To use Streams API with tarballjs example plnkr linked above you can do something like this

          let tarWriter = new tarball.TarWriter();
            await new Response(
              new ReadableStream({
                async pull(controller) {
                  for (const char of 'stream') {
                    await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 100));
              }).pipeThrough(new TextEncoderStream())
// ...
        .then((tarReader) => {
          const file = tarReader.getTextFile('stream.txt');
MattIPv4 commented 1 year ago

👋 Just want to add my +1 for restoring browser support to this library, we are also running into

mafintosh commented 1 year ago

Fixed in the next release that will drop later today

mafintosh commented 1 year ago

Should be fixed in 3.1.0