mafintosh / torrent-stream

The low level streaming torrent engine that peerflix uses
MIT License
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private trackers #81

Closed smolleyes closed 9 years ago

smolleyes commented 10 years ago


can we have small infos on why peerflix or torrent-stream can t use private trackers?

just tried acestream and it play everything! private trackers or not

thanks :)

mafintosh commented 10 years ago

what is needed to support private trackers?

Kureev commented 10 years ago

i think the problem not only in private trackers, because for a some reason i have ~86 peers and can't start stream torrent. No idea why. Subj: i also tried to stream a torrent from the private tracker ( but still nothing: it discovers a tracker, but unable to download.

smolleyes commented 10 years ago


yup same problem everything seems ok but do not start downloading ( torrents for exemple)

i had one working but veryyyyyy slow download...

thanks :)

Kureev commented 10 years ago

@smolleyes It seems i found a solution. I tried the @feross torrent-discovery and it works like a charm. Try to discover peers with it and add to torrent-stream engine by engine.connect. I'll try to fork TS tomorrow and replace libs/peer-discovery by torrent-discovery library. Stay tuned ;)

For comparison: torrent-discovery finds 80+ peers vs libs/peer-discovery ~ 30 peers.

P.S. I'm not sure it's related to private server, but for slow download and other related stuff (peers not discovered etc) it works great!

mafintosh commented 10 years ago

@Kureev w00t

smolleyes commented 10 years ago

ok i ll try your fork but i m sure mafintosh can fix it too :+1:

mafintosh commented 10 years ago

@Kureev let me know if you need help. Would very much like to add torrent-discovery

feross commented 10 years ago

awesome that you want to add torrent-discovery. should be a straightforward swap. the api is very similar.

smolleyes commented 10 years ago


what s up with your fork Kureev :p ?

Kureev commented 10 years ago

@smolleyes I'm at work, I'll start as soon as I get home (in hour)

smolleyes commented 10 years ago


ok thanks :)

smolleyes commented 10 years ago

dont know if acestream is open source but it s very impressive... can stream any torrent very fast

Kureev commented 10 years ago

yesterday i took a look into torrent-stream and peer-discovery library. First of all, i want to say, that i successfully replaced it by torrent-discovery, but it's still slow and i can't understand why. If i include torrent-discovery separately, it works fast and good, but within torrent-stream it works as standard peer-discovery.

@mafintosh , @feross could you explain how it can be? (I'll try to share my code a bit later)

smolleyes commented 10 years ago


thanks for your work kureev :)

any idears on this problem @mafintosh , @feross ?

thanks !

Kureev commented 10 years ago

@smolleyes now i'm thinking that problem not in the peer-discovery library itself. Now the best variant for me was to add bittorrent-discovery separately. While torrent-stream fires "ready" state, i just create an instance of bittorrent-discovery and add it peers from it to TS by ts.connect method. Working like a charm. If @mafintosh can help me with my question, i'll try to fix my issues and try to implement it again.

Kureev commented 10 years ago

Okay, i have a couple of news here:

Now i'll try to ask a question about some details to finish my implementation of torrent-discovery:

    exit:     143
    timedOut: true
    command:  "/usr/local/Cellar/node/0.10.28/bin/node basic.js"

As far as i can fix this issues, i'll create a nice PR :3

smolleyes commented 10 years ago

waiting for this ! :dancer:

Kureev commented 10 years ago

@smolleyes but i'm not sure, that it'll help you to download from private trackers. I'd like to implement it, but i have no idea what i need to do for this. Now (even if i'll make a PR) it wouldn't allow you to download private torrents...

smolleyes commented 10 years ago

i think it will help as some torrents start downlaoding but very very slowly so it s not blocked... (i wish..)

and acestream open them all ... thanks anyway it will help many users :p

mafintosh commented 10 years ago

@Kureev I not completely sure what you mean with all your points but I think you should just open the pull request and we can discuss the changes there :)

Kureev commented 10 years ago

@mafintosh sure, but it's not finished as i think. But anyway, it can be a good start point for discussion.

smolleyes commented 9 years ago


any news on this ? :)

smolleyes commented 9 years ago

seems that all this torrents i can t open or download are working very well with torrent-mount Oo!

mafintosh commented 9 years ago

@smolleyes huh. try using an older version of torrent-stream to see if that is better (torrent-mount is a bit behind)

smolleyes commented 9 years ago

thanks @mafintosh i ll try it now, what s the module you use to parse local or http torrents files?

smolleyes commented 9 years ago

hummm shame on me after reading my code i have torrent-stream included but it only use peerflix so i don t think torrent-stream is the probelm

i ll try my torrents with torrent-stream only

smolleyes commented 9 years ago

hi @mafintosh / @Kureev

so same problem with torrent-stream

i let a test torrent for you i just know that with acestream the otrrent is downloading normally (it s x265 file)

let me know if you can download/stream it with peerflix or torrent-stream please :(


Kureev commented 9 years ago

Just tried peerflix --vlc

Works fine for me, @smolleyes

But i can't play it, because it's encoded

smolleyes commented 9 years ago

damn Oo

cd /tmp sudo npm install -g peerflix

peerflix --vlc


0.0/s from 0/0 peers tream/bf25957fcf8ee568f8db376b2439839cfacf14a5
info path /tmp/torrent-stream/bf25957fcf8ee568f8db376b2439839cfacf14a5
info downloaded 0.0 and uploaded 0.0 in 149s with 0 hotswaps

Kureev commented 9 years ago

@smolleyes Are you sure, that nothing blocks your tcp/udp ports and etc? Because i have no idea why it can works with acestream and don't work with peerflix for you.

smolleyes commented 9 years ago

i don t have firewall or anything like that so don t think so, really strange

smolleyes commented 9 years ago

strange, if i connect to my vpn it works (slowly but works)... Oo

Kureev commented 9 years ago

So, the problem is not in the code.

smolleyes commented 9 years ago

yes but why it works with alll other torrent client Oo (deluge/acestream etc)

smolleyes commented 9 years ago

we have a complete os on our adsl box with my isp, it have a torrent client too and torrent works too directly on it, completely lost

smolleyes commented 9 years ago

seems working with dmz enabled ... strange

lperennou commented 9 years ago

hello guys,

I still have the problems of peerflix only finding 1 peer with a private tracker. It finds much more on opened trackers. Do you have any ideas why ?

smolleyes commented 9 years ago


if you use read-torrent to parse your torrent, try passing the raw object to torrent-stream not the torrent


rTorrent(link, function(err, torrent, raw) {

do not pass torrent but raw to torrent-stream... it fixed the problem for me


Le 18/08/2015 00:09, lperennou a écrit :

hello guys,

I still have the problems of peerflix only finding 1 peer with a private tracker. It finds much more on opened trackers. Do you have any ideas why ?

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lperennou commented 9 years ago

Thank you for the answer @smolleyes . I was trying to use peerflix with the command line on Linux. But I can't send the output of read-torrent to peerflix this way, right ? I tried :

read-torrent my.torrent > mytorrent peerflix mytorrent --vlc

Should I write a nodejs program to read the torrent file and launch peeflix like you advised ?

pastudan commented 7 years ago

In my case, the tracker that I use block certain torrent clients from receiving peers. I'd reach out to your tracker's admins and ask that they whitelist peerflix, but in the meantime a way of testing is to spoof the peer id and user agent. Be careful doing this as most have rules that prohibit this. They also needed a parameter called left, which is how many bytes you have remaining to download.

You might want to modify the torrent-stream library to take in a peerId and userAgent from your opts, like this:

  var discovery = peerDiscovery({
    port: DEFAULT_PORT,
    announce: opts.trackers,
    infoHash: link.infoHash, // as hex string or Buffer
    peerId: new Buffer(,  // as hex string or Buffer
    dht: false, // use dht? optionally, this can be an `opts` object, or a DHT instance to use (can be reused for multiple torrents)
    userAgent: opts.userAgent, // User-Agent header for http requests
    tracker: {
      getAnnounceOpts: function () {
        return {
          // key: '' // I don't know what this is for, but my client sent it when I watched it connect to a tracker. Doesn't seem to be needed by my tracker though
          compact: '1',
          supportcrypto: '1',
          event: 'started',
          uploaded: '0',
          downloaded: '0',
          left: link.length,

Hope this helps