Open buildmaster opened 9 years ago
Just published a new version that might contain a fix for this, Could you try upgrading and trying again?
No exception any more, but is it possible it's now just silently failing? I can't actually get it to work with another user.
but awesome on the quick fix for the exception :+1: to that. :)
If you're up for it try connecting to someone again and run it with
DEBUG=* webcat {your-friend}
and post the output in this thread. That might help us figure out whats wrong :)
here's my end of the output
DEBUG=* webcat mejamiewilson
webcat new instance +0ms mejamiewilson { _: [ 'mejamiewilson' ], username: 'buildmaster' }
webcat signing message +8ms { type: 'syn', nounce: 0.39185924432240427 }
webcat received message +29s [ 'Dp52peGxEAbeJHftOKJZtDrG5eCdi2Ou6qznklqQPBoiyEfkItTASTbBy3YsVzQ02Jhzm+PASY/cCsW5TyfxK6OPbWulyYQ074WFx5k3sYqbCtp5z6yv4vUbWsDuyaot+BnNJoGxszRr65oJgQyKAKRKU1iqpPnXxN2bBEvf4EbYd0JCuDVskj9JUlO1ypw6Bi9vZeGtp+M8UYwd+CEd+XNQqGxICEIWdtvSrLTWellDk0wFb0nBYC/fW/G+aM7SpBJvgqTEVgzBSjBICxx1ML15UfAqxKvWm7AmUpqX3scDDDSdPF2VDx7zXcpvmBz+mWNK87oqD6AYgnEU4dUSFA==',
'{"type":"syn","nounce":0.27673072554171085}' ]
webcat verifying message +0ms [ 'Dp52peGxEAbeJHftOKJZtDrG5eCdi2Ou6qznklqQPBoiyEfkItTASTbBy3YsVzQ02Jhzm+PASY/cCsW5TyfxK6OPbWulyYQ074WFx5k3sYqbCtp5z6yv4vUbWsDuyaot+BnNJoGxszRr65oJgQyKAKRKU1iqpPnXxN2bBEvf4EbYd0JCuDVskj9JUlO1ypw6Bi9vZeGtp+M8UYwd+CEd+XNQqGxICEIWdtvSrLTWellDk0wFb0nBYC/fW/G+aM7SpBJvgqTEVgzBSjBICxx1ML15UfAqxKvWm7AmUpqX3scDDDSdPF2VDx7zXcpvmBz+mWNK87oqD6AYgnEU4dUSFA==',
'{"type":"syn","nounce":0.27673072554171085}' ]
webcat message verified? +2s null true
webcat signing message +0ms { type: 'syn', nounce: 0.39185924432240427 }
hi hi hi
the messages were what I was typing into the console, seems like one connect message or something and nothing after that. @mejamiewilson was sending me a number of messages
Hi all, this is what I got:
DEBUG=* webcat buildmaster
webcat new instance +0ms buildmaster { _: [ 'buildmaster' ], username: 'mejamiewilson' }
webcat signing message +8ms { type: 'syn', nounce: 0.12988391635008156 }
webcat sendSyn +15ms [ 'Bj2zmcbSEhd6yu1o62RDi/m66SE+5EiycP6XWeQTeo8HQjmZYtQtVSeLbxTWsmz+T9yhuivP/OOjaq0bVc2kvQS/FeDz1ns7U8Rr2NKzxSjRPA3J3lgrHFkR1E8tE4RSYKNVYIZ4Snv60dz+YXqKYYocna8OCYEhekFY3l2Z9YTuD8d4xyrylnTM5LDg9o6W+8dNQ/tJmuLrbRCp28cUhz0P/QouNLPZObArq++YVm6rNLS2olZhvd/QBjPGHYE0WmDkKpMny8NK7UsxLDpI17FEsFFJ93GIZwBinJmMSaADrlktp21fkucN73MFXsGa7i090Q3nx/cyrfnt1DPq3Q==',
'{"type":"syn","nounce":0.12988391635008156}' ]
I've configured webcat but if I try and initiate a session with another user I get this error
The only thing about my account that might be different is I have two factor auth on, but not sure if that's meaninful or not.