maforget / ComicRackCE

A Community Edition for the legendary Comic Book Manager ComicRack. ComicRack is back from the dead.
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Comic Vine Scraper window is too small and cannot be resized #42

Closed mark-4dollar closed 4 months ago

mark-4dollar commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug Comic Vine Scraper window is too small and cannot be resized

Exact Steps to Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Select a book from your library. Right Click --> Info OR press CTRL i Click Comic Vine Scraper from the bottom bar Notice the window is too small and cannot be resized. Right clicking the title bar has the option to maximize but it is disabled as well.

Screenshots Capture

Version/Commit (check the about page, next to the version, for the string between brackets):

Additional context Comic Vine Scraper Script

saskir12 commented 4 months ago

Oh this happened also in the normal CR version. This has something to do with how Windows handles the magnifying options as the field you mentioned always stay the same size no matter how big the fonts get changed. Atleast from my observations. Strangely I had once a bug where the whole CR had the right magnifying size and all was correct as it should be. But after a restart it reverted back.

maforget commented 4 months ago

Not really something I can do about it. You should post it on the ComicVine scrapper GitHub instead. This isn't a ComicRack bug.

mkschultz-sunrun commented 4 months ago

Understood. Thank you, @maforget for the reply.