maforget / ComicRackCE

A Community Edition for the legendary Comic Book Manager ComicRack. ComicRack is back from the dead.
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New_Feature: Add a scraper for for Manga chapters #66

Closed coldiak closed 2 months ago

coldiak commented 2 months ago

Hi i have beside the comics library in Komga, the Manga Library, could be possible create a Manga Scraper from the website

heres is the API info

here is an manga example

en this is the chapter info


maforget commented 2 months ago

There are no scraper built-in the program and I will not be starting to add them and need to support them. This type of feature is better suited for a plugin. I don't discount some sort or built-in behavior for integrating scrappers when the new plugin system is implemented. But any specific implementation should be relegated to a plugin.

I will transfer this to a discussion so others who are interested can pitch-in. I already support a lot of stuff this is too much for me.

I highly suggest that if you are interested, you try your hand at it. You can check either ComicVine Scrapper for a basis or my Amazon Scrapper for a more basic one.