maforget / ComicRackCE

A Community Edition for the legendary Comic Book Manager ComicRack. ComicRack is back from the dead.
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Tags textbox are still disabled when multiple books is selected. #76

Closed TheRealC0unt closed 1 month ago

TheRealC0unt commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much for fixing that old annoying issue, that the tags someone adds to a comic or series never were stored in the comicinfo.xml files.

Though, this is still only less than half the mileage to go. So far, storing the tags only works for files which have been already added to the library. It does not work for files which you access through the file browser tab. You can add them (though the field is grayed out, but the dialog still opens up), but they are not stored permanently, and especially they are not exportted to comicinfo.xml then. It took a while for me to recognize this.

I'd really appreciate if tagging would work absolutely the same way as adding genres, because right now it is a nuisance in my workflow. When I get new comics or mangas, I store them on the local SSD of the notebook first, to add info by comicvine scraper and manually. Only when there is already some good comicinfo.xml in each file, it will be stored at its final location on my NAS, where a Komga server instance then picks the stuff up. If I always have to move the files first prior to adding the tags, this is slowing down the workflow significantly, especially when connected by WIFI, not by LAN. With bad timing, it can even happen that the Komga server has to swallow the new stuff twice, due to its feature to automatically grab new directories every x hours.

maforget commented 1 month ago

This isn't a bug, you forgot to enable the "enable writing book info into files". When you enable this options the greyed out fields will not be anymore. The reason they aren't when in the library is that the program as a location to save it's data, inside the database. Which it can't if the file isn't in the library.

When that option is enabled it can saves the data in the file. You will also have an orange tag that tells you there is metadata to save. Doing a update file will update it.

There is absolutely no difference between saving genre, series or tags. Your problem is that with the option disabled the only way to update the xml is to export the file to CBZ again.

I suggest you read the wiki, especially these entries: Writing the metadata inside the Comic book file I can't change any of the metadata. All the box are greyed out.

TheRealC0unt commented 1 month ago

@maforget, sorry, but this doesn't work as you described. I enabled this option already years ago when I started to use the old original Comicrack. For confirmation I even switched the language from "system" (which is german for me) to "english", to doublecheck it is the same option. The "tags" entry is only enabled when the book is already in the library, but not when using the file browser.

So my suggestion is that you actually try to reproduce the issue, because there IS actually one. My description above clearly pointed out already, that almost all metadata was already written fine into comicinfo.xmls into files outside the library, EXCEPT the tags. So it should have been clear without any doubt that the option you mentioned has already been active.

maforget commented 1 month ago

It does work and I did test it. And the Tags field does work when in the file browser. I use all the time. I added a tag, updated the file and open with 7-zip to read the xml, and the tags field was there. This commit is even where this was enabled.

I don't know what you are doing, but I can guarantee that the problem isn't with the software. You either are using an old build, are getting mixed up with ComicRack & ComicRack Community Edition (Settings from one don't automatically port over to the other) or you have something preventing the files from updating. If you know that there is a problem post a detailed way to reproduce it.

See the Tags field is enabled. You can see it's from the file browser because the Series Complete is disabled, like in the code posted above. Before that change the Tags field would have been disabled also. If you don't see it you either on a old build or still using the Original ComicRack. Screenshot 2024-05-18 050409

And it appears in the xml, after an update file Screenshot 2024-05-18 050430

Here is even a GIF that proves it works: ComicRack_2024-05-18_05-09-18

If it isn't then it means that option isn't turned on. Screenshot 2024-05-18 045010

TheRealC0unt commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your extended reply. It explains for me why you did not reproduce the issue. You tested it only on one single file. I instead have the issue whenever I have selected multiple files (e.g. a complete series of a manga) and press CTRL+I then, to set all the common attributes across multiple CBZs at once.

Look here:

version comickrack_multiple_files

Do you agree finally, that I am using the proper version AND that there is an issue?

maforget commented 1 month ago

Ok I agree that the field is still disabled when choosing multiple files. But your initial bug report was that the Tags where not updated in the ComicInfo.xml. This is still false. Like you stated there are other way to update it. Like for example while using PRIAT, you can add a Tags. If you talk about using the little star to add a Tags that isn't the same, the field is still disabled.

Even with the field disabled, if you add Tags via a plugin for example and update the file, the ComicInfo.xml is still updated. And they are store permanently.

I will fix the issue with the UI, but when doing bug reports there is a reason why in the template I provided I ask for the commit version, to be certain which version some one is using and if that is an old build. There is also a difference between the UI is greyed out when using multiple books, vs one and the update of ComicInfo.xml doesn't work like you stated.