maforget / ComicRackCE

A Community Edition for the legendary Comic Book Manager ComicRack. ComicRack is back from the dead.
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Using ImageScaler for resizing images #83

Open maforget opened 1 week ago

maforget commented 1 week ago

Just a test that uses ImageScaler for resizing images. Is the performance better? No more annoying crash due to AccessViolationException?

Are the Interpolation Setting correct?

FastAndUgly => NearestNeighbor
FastBilinear => Linear
FastBicubic => Cubic
BilinearHQ => Quadratic
GdiPlus => Hermite
GdiPlusHQ => Lanczos
github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

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maforget commented 1 week ago

Some info how MagicScaler resizing relates to GDI Interpolation:

Usually the usage of each interpolation in ComicRack are:

Here is the benchmark of ComicRack Resizer vs MagicScaler (when not specified Hybrid is Off, for better comparaison): Screenshot 2024-06-15 170717

So for now I changed some setting based on the blog page (the default when not speficied on the previous settings was FavorQuality):

FastAndUgly => NearestNeighbor, FavorSpeed
FastBilinear => Linear, FavorSpeed
FastBicubic => CatmullRom, FavorSpeed
BilinearHQ => Quadratic, FavorQuality
GdiPlus => Linear, FavorQuality
GdiPlusHQ => Cubic, Off

Some info about HybridMode:

maforget commented 1 week ago

After testing, Legacy is still way faster. Even considering the benchmark values. I believe is the multiple conversion from byte[] => Bitmap => byte[] => Bitmap are to blame.

I've started trying to implement a Custom PixelSource instead to pass to MagicScaler, but the current implementation gives corrupted images.