magao-x / gmagao-x-risks

Risk Tracking for GMagAO-X
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Design GMagAO-X to reduce its jitter susceptibility (R-03 mitigation) #12

Open dmkelly42 opened 1 year ago

dmkelly42 commented 1 year ago

9/28/22 Meeting with GMT. Last week Laird showed a design that has a small M3 attached to the GIR and not cantilevered off the optical instrument. A small fore-optics table directs light into the GMagAO-X optical table and can include a tip-tilt mirror. We would have control over our M3 and could make it light, super-polished, and rigid, and we could keep it clean. GMT still needs to confirm that the volume of this implementation does not interfere with the AP/IP relay, which would deploy above our M3. Implementation details still to be worked out. UA still needs to complete a preliminary design and determine the first mode, but we expect it to be good.