magazino / pylon_camera

ROS-Driver for Basler Cameras
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
78 stars 108 forks source link

Problem with Jetson Nano #62

Open Kyungpyo-Kim opened 4 years ago

Kyungpyo-Kim commented 4 years ago

Hello. I'm using Jetson Nano and Basler camera acA1300-30gc.

Actually, I've been using well this package with Jetson TX2. However it didn't work with Jetson Nano.

Please refer below error messages.


... logging to /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/dcc3f7da-2887-11ea-9436-00044be6c7ed/roslaunch-ubuntu-desktop-10441.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://ubuntu-desktop:34025/


 * /pylon_camera_node/camera_frame: pylon_camera
 * /pylon_camera_node/camera_info_url: 
 * /pylon_camera_node/device_user_id: 
 * /pylon_camera_node/enable_current_params_publisher: True
 * /pylon_camera_node/enable_status_publisher: True
 * /pylon_camera_node/frame_rate: 15
 * /pylon_camera_node/gige/mtu_size: 1500
 * /pylon_camera_node/image_encoding: bayer_bggr8
 * /pylon_camera_node/startup_user_set: CurrentSetting
 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.3

    pylon_camera_node (pylon_camera/pylon_camera_node)


process[pylon_camera_node-1]: started with pid [10458]
[ WARN] [1577437488.338045204]: Autoflash: 0, line2: 1 , line3: 1 
[ INFO] [1577437488.339996212]: No Device User ID set -> Will open the camera device found first
[ INFO] [1577437488.610115520]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437488.617584702]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ INFO] [1577437488.871814597]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437488.879322633]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ INFO] [1577437490.618761638]: using default calibration URL
[ INFO] [1577437490.619022994]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/ubuntu/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml
[ INFO] [1577437490.619695136]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/home/ubuntu/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml]
[ WARN] [1577437490.620089775]: Camera calibration file /home/ubuntu/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml not found.
[ INFO] [1577437490.877369905]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437490.884735649]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ INFO] [1577437492.876095152]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437492.885041848]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ INFO] [1577437494.878154857]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437494.887480149]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ INFO] [1577437496.877581308]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437496.881910878]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ INFO] [1577437498.881967856]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437498.889893709]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ INFO] [1577437500.884021831]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437500.886008255]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ INFO] [1577437502.883671982]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437502.889633442]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ INFO] [1577437504.877274110]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437504.883623855]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ WARN] [1577437504.883807346]: No camera present. Keep waiting ...
[ INFO] [1577437506.875376226]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437506.879602098]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ INFO] [1577437508.871646764]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437508.874922939]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ INFO] [1577437510.872404633]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437510.878398281]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ INFO] [1577437512.882730452]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437512.890100414]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ INFO] [1577437514.882350600]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437514.893500336]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ INFO] [1577437516.882983935]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437516.894527112]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: 
Failed to create embedded nodemap 'GigEStreamParams'.
[ INFO] [1577437518.884637071]: Found camera with DeviceUserID : acA1300-30gc
[ERROR] [1577437518.894909611]: An exception while opening the desired camera with DeviceUserID:  occurred: