Open everything-everything opened 3 years ago
Please build it from the sources and try again. For your convenience I published release 1.0.1
Ok what have i to do ?
git clone
and than? What do i need to compile this to jar file ? Sorry it is a very new knowledge for me.
i see you have compiled it and uploaded newer Version. Thanks for that . Will try .
so i have anothter Question. You write :
Raspberry PI 3 B, Raspbian 10 Buster, OpenJDK 11.0.7, Bluez 5.50, built-in Bluetooth adapter usb:v1D6Bp0246d0532 Raspberry PI 3 B, Raspbian 10 Buster, OpenJDK 11.0.7, Bluez 5.50, USB Bluetooth adapter 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle Virtual machine, Ubuntu 20.04, OpenJDK 11.0.7, Bluez 5.54, Intel Bluetooth adapter 8087:0a2b
In configuration file you have specify an MQTT Server. If i execute jar file need i an specified MQTT Server, or does the Jar File Create a MQTT Server Session?
And what about this explanation :
Note this isn't close :D does it automatical :D by past information
@everything-everything This is a Java project that uses Maven as its build-system. You could either install maven yourself ( and run mvn package
in the cloned folder, or you could use the prebuilt that got provided by the author:
So when having your configuration file, which contains the broker and your sensor-details, this tool will send gathered data from the sensor via MQTT packages to the MQTT broker. So <roottopic from properties file>/<name of sem6000 from properties file>/voltage
does not mean parameters for running this tool, but the data packages that get posted to the MQTT broker.
All in all this is some kind of a "active sensor data publisher" that actively requests data from the sensor and converts it into MQTT messages. Your configuration rootTopic=/media/sf_Linux/Voltcraft
suggest that you think this is some kind of "file storage", but this is one of the MQTT message parts, not a filename where the data gets stored.
And yes, you are required to have your own MQTT server running somewhere where all the data is pushed from this tool.
I hope this helps a bit.
I have all installed, compiled, properties file configured and and musquito mqtt server running inside Homeassistant. The mqtt server is properly working, tested that. Unfortunately when I run the java tool (inside the home assistant console) I get an "Exception in thread "main" Not authorized to connect".
Any idea how to resolve this?
Hallo, i try to use this on ubuntu 21.04 with an bluetooth dongle but it doesn't work.
15:41:21.139 [main] INFO Sem6000MqttClient - Started
15:41:26.141 [main] INFO Sem6000MqttClient - Loading properties from /home/Schreibtisch/Voltcraft/Java/
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "30 "
i get that on if i type java -jar sem6000.jar volt1 power java -jar sem6000.jar /volt1 /power java -jar sem6000.jar /volt1/power java -jar sem6000.jar /volt1 power java -jar sem6000.jar
yes i know its renamed the jar file but it doesn't matter
The log file looks like 021-05-29 15:23:09.096 [main] INFO Sem6000MqttClient - Started
2021-05-29 15:23:14.100 [main] INFO Sem6000MqttClient - Loading properties from /home/power1/Schreibtisch/Voltcraft/Java/
2021-05-29 15:23:47.092 [main] INFO Sem6000MqttClient - Started
2021-05-29 15:23:52.098 [main] INFO Sem6000MqttClient - Loading properties from /home/Schreibtisch/Voltcraft/Java/
2021-05-29 15:24:06.728 [main] INFO Sem6000MqttClient - Started
2021-05-29 15:24:11.731 [main] INFO Sem6000MqttClient - Loading properties from /home/Schreibtisch/Voltcraft/Java/ --> there is the propertie file and jar file
mqttServer=tcp:// # Mqtt Service runs under linux have a rule in firewall... should be lokal. Have i add here the device?
sem1.mac=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX # Mac adress is new by default
Note the expection shell script works fine Heckie works fine.
what make i wrong ? do i need a special mqtt server. Make i something wrong with root directory , ports etc? I see in vm that it comunicate with sem6000 in virtualbox