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Write content for the homepage #711

Closed tkeuneman closed 6 years ago

M-BG commented 6 years ago

Tile content for home page (

'open data toolkit' tile:

The Open Data Toolkit is an online resource to help get you started. Whether you're publishing for the first time or discovering metadata, the toolkit can point you in the right direction.

When this tile is selected, goes to

'how do you use public data?' tile:

We’re keen to hear how you’re using public data. Submit a use case and tell us what you discovered after download.

When this tile is selected, goes to

'Dig into an interactive tax form' tile:

The Australian Tax Office has created an interactive tax form to demonstrate the changes in tax information from 2000 to 2013. We spent the good part of an hour exploring their insights. What might you learn about how tax refunds have changed over time?

When this tile is selected, goes to

'Births past and future' tile: See what's booming in your suburb and population projections.

Be cool to link directly to the relevant datasets; and

'Intellectual property in Australia: a visualisation' tile:

IP NOVA is a visual immersive search engine that helps users discover registered patents, trade marks, and plant breeders rights from the Intellectual Property Australia database. It is a free, open web app that makes intellectual property analysis intuitive and accessible.

When this tile is selected, goes to

'What you need to know about using data' tile:

Learn about API use and how to filter by data quality.

When this tile is selected, goes to (you may want to confirm with Alex on using this resource - I sourced it from the Open Data Institute as its a global standard and pretty good at explaining things)

tkeuneman commented 6 years ago

@M-BG Could you let me know the exact URLs where you'd like these to go to:

  1. Open data toolkit:
  2. Public data: As far as I can tell, there is no submit use case form (see: Note: @maxious the submit use case email address on this page is out of date
  3. ATO form: ???
  4. Births: ???
M-BG commented 6 years ago

Copy for the 'about' page ( is a product of the Government’s Declaration of Open Government. It is a place anybody can access data published by the Australian Government and public institutions.

Most of the data available is free of charge and can be visualised using the in-built mapping tools. Individuals and organisations are encouraged to use the data on this site for research, study or applications that add value to the global community.

In addition to open datasets, now includes information about unpublished data and data available for purchase.

Geospatial datasets on and from other spatial indexes are now available through the National Map.

How do I share? If you’re an Australian Government entity or private business that provides services to the community, you can register and create an account to share your data sets. Before you begin, do a quick search of existing organisations to see if your own agency is already listed. If they are, the listed contact can help you to log in and publish your data sets. If not, you can register for the first time.

Registering for the first time? We need some basic information to create an account. This includes a username, contact name, and email address.

  1. Enter this information to create your account.
  2. You will be redirected to your profile page. To set up your profile, select 'Manage'.
  3. It is important you fill out your profile completely, including your agency’s logo as your account image. We recommend you use a group inbox for your organisations contact email. This way users can contact the right area or team if they have questions, rather than contacting a specific person. This future-proofs your account for when data stewards are on leave or move organisations. If you choose to include a contact phone number, we recommend a shared or switchboard number for the same reasons.

Publishing for the first time? Many agencies are excited but nervous the first time their share data. You should always consider privacy and cleanliness of data before sharing. Information regarding privacy can be found in our Privacy Policy and in our Open Data Toolkit. Our Open Data Toolkit also includes useful information and links to other open data sources, on topics like how to form a policy about sharing data through to creating a basic data set.

Want to keep in touch? Subscribe to the new datasets feed or customise a feed below: Groups - Tags - Search -

More Information Visit the Open Data Toolkit for more information about how to use and related policies and initiatives.

M-BG commented 6 years ago

As to your above query Tash (part 1):

  1. Have added direct link instruction
  2. There is ability to submit a use case, but only if you have an account and are logged in; image If you aren't logged in, it only allows you to read other peoples use cases;

We may need to update this section of the website to be more 'add your use case!' friendly ( I would like to have some info here for people who aren't logged in, i.e:

Want to add a use case? You must have an account and be logged in to submit a use case.

What are use cases? Use cases share how people have used data from in new and interesting ways. This can include the creation of apps, news articles, visualisations or ideas using data sets. Even if you've only used partial information from a data set, we (and the data set owner) would love to know what you discovered and how you used it.

(caveat to be included) Use cases submitted to are currently approved for publication based on their context and appropriateness. Use cases created from resources found on have been developed, are operated and owned by third parties. does not endorse, approve, or certify the applications or the developers, nor does it make any representation or warranty that the information based on which the applications have been developed, is accurate, complete, or correct. We do not own responsibility for the regular update and maintenance of any applications created with resources. Any queries about applications or tools published need to be directed to the originator.

There should also be the ability to add a use case against a data set page, so that you're looking at your data set page, click on 'add use case' and it redirects to the 'create a use case' screen ( Forgive my terrible mock up, but to give you an idea:


I think the submit use case screen could be more comprehensive than what it is now; image

Perhaps we should book in a workshop on this Tash? meanwhile, my ideas so far;


M-BG commented 6 years ago

Above query (part 2):

  1. Cannot find - have asked Alex/Gordon for help
  2. Have edited births to connect to the relevant data sets (above)
M-BG commented 6 years ago

Suggestions for changes to copy: This reduces it by a reading level and just replaces some of the big fancy words with simpler ones to match the tone.

Dataset Quality How we measure data quality (no caps) We calculate data quality based on open data best practices, including Tim Berners-Lee's open data scale. This scale is specific enough to be useful but vague enough to be future-proof. It's adopted by many open data portals around the world.

For each of the following points, we add 20% to the data quality rating. These work like building blocks. For a data set to earn 4 stars, it has to meet the first four steps.

  1. Is the data available on the web in any format with an open license?
  2. Is it available as structured, machine-readable data? For example, an excel file instead of an image scan of the same table.
  3. Is it available in a non-proprietary format? Such as CSV instead of Excel.
  4. Does the data have URIs to mark things. so that people can reference your stuff?
  5. Do you link your data to other data, or provide information on how the data was collected to provide context?

We will continue to update the data quality rating as research continues. If you have any feedback get in touch, or if you're passionate about data quality, get involved in the Australian Government Linked Data Working Group.

tkeuneman commented 6 years ago

Thanks @M-BG, I've created individual tickets for each task.

Re this comment, MAGDA currently doesn't allow for use case creation. Is there interim steps that @maxious could take on the CKAN site?

I've created a ticket for this: