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sh.Run and sh.Output sh.OutCmd fail on a go build command but running it directly on local machine works #304

Open varunturlapati opened 4 years ago

varunturlapati commented 4 years ago

I setup my mage target to build locally and it worked fine. Then I wanted to introduce ldflags to get build info embedded as well. The build target errors out.

Expected: Build succeeds


go: finding latest
go: finding' latest
go: finding latest
can't load package: package no matching versions for query "latest"
can't load package: package -X: malformed module path "-X": leading dash
can't load package: package no matching versions for query "latest"
can't load package: package no matching versions for query "latest"
can't load package: package': no matching versions for query "latest"
can't load package: package -os: malformed module path "-os": leading dash
can't load package: package darwin: malformed module path "darwin": missing dot in first path element
can't load package: package -arch: malformed module path "-arch": leading dash
can't load package: package amd64: malformed module path "amd64": missing dot in first path element
can't load package: package -output: malformed module path "-output": leading dash
can't load package: package targets/ocs_heyo_darwin_amd64: malformed module path "targets/ocs_heyo_darwin_amd64": missing dot in first path element

Error: running "gox -ldflags '-X -X -X -X' -os darwin -arch amd64 -output targets/ocs_heyo_darwin_amd64" failed with exit code 1

Then as an experiment I simply copied the whole command that it says it ran in the last line.

gox -ldflags '-X -X -X -X' -os darwin -arch amd64 -output targets/ocs_heyo_darwin_amd64

And this worked perfectly. Got the build and it reflected all the build attrs correctly.

Build function is:

func build(b *BuildOpts) error {
    if b == nil {
        fmt.Println("No BuildOpts specified. Will use defaults.")
        b = DefaultBuildOpts
    if _, ok := Os2BuildArgsMap[b.Goos]; !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("your local machine os %s is not supported in builds. Add it in constants.go or see why the OS is not"+
            "recognized", b.Goos)
    var ldPrefixedArgs = strings.Split(PrepareLdFlagsFromBuildOpts(b), " ")
    ldPrefixedArgs = append(ldPrefixedArgs, Os2BuildArgsMap[b.Goos]...)
    fmt.Printf("%d --> %v", len(ldPrefixedArgs), ldPrefixedArgs)
    out, err := sh.Output(Gox, ldPrefixedArgs...) // TODO looping to create all in a BuildAll target
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil
func PrepareLdFlagsFromBuildOpts(b *BuildOpts) string {
    var flags = []string{
        fmt.Sprintf("-X", b.Timestamp),
        fmt.Sprintf("-X", b.Sha),
        fmt.Sprintf("-X", b.Version),
        fmt.Sprintf("-X", b.Reltype),
    return fmt.Sprintf("-ldflags '%s'", strings.Join(flags, " "))
natefinch commented 4 years ago

formatting ldflags with the correct quoting is super annoying and hard. Now add that to the fact that os/exec and thus sh are not actual shells (despite the misleading name for sh)... and things get tricky.

The trick is that the value for -ldflags has to exist in a single string passed as an argument to sh.Output/Run. You can't split it up by spaces.

You can see how I format it here:

shouldsee commented 4 years ago

Just ran to the same issue when inspecting the exec: message. It is super annoying that os/exec is not an actual shell!!!! This bascially means all shell keywords like time and exit would have to be implemented in the golang way...

egonbraun commented 3 years ago

I ran into the same problem and I can't figure it out how to fix it. Here is my Build function:

    args := []string{
        `-arch="` + SupportedArch + `"`,
        `-osarch="` + UnsupportedOsArch + `"`,
        `-os="` + SupportedOs + `"`,
        `-output="` + path.Join(PkgDir, "{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}", ProgramName) + `"`,
        `-ldflags="` + ldFlags + `"`,

    return sh.RunWithV(env, "gox", args...)

The error:

No valid platforms to build for. If you specified a value
for the 'os', 'arch', or 'osarch' flags, make sure you're
using a valid value.
Error: running "gox -arch="amd64 arm64" -osarch="!windows/arm64" -os="darwin linux windows" -output="pkg/{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}/template-golang-project" -ldflags="-s -w" cmd/template-golang-project/main.go" failed with exit code 1

Then if I ran the same manually, everything works fine.

gox -arch="amd64 arm64" -osarch="!windows/arm64" -os="darwin linux windows" -output="pkg/{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}/template-golang-project" -ldflags="-s -w" cmd/template-golang-project/main.go

Any ideas are welcome. :)