magefree / mage

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LCC - Lost Caverns of Ixalan Commander Set Card Implementation Tracking #11239

Open theelk801 opened 9 months ago

theelk801 commented 9 months ago

This checklist is here to help manage the implementation of Lost Caverns of Ixalan Commander. If a card is marked as being in progress then someone is working on it.

If you're new to implementing cards then you likely don't have permission to check things off. This is totally fine! We still appreciate your contributions so just leave a comment to let us know that you're working on it.

Don't worry about moving things from in progress to completed either, there's a script that handles that, and don't worry about fixing text issues as those are usually handled when the set is done.

All Sets

Unimplemented Cards

Scryfall gallery of everything currently unimplemented

Implemented Cards

Click to expand - [x] Done -- [Admiral Beckett Brass](!admiralbeckettbrass) - [x] Done -- [Admiral Brass, Unsinkable](!admiralbrassunsinkable) - [x] Done -- [Aetherize](!aetherize) - [x] Done -- [Akroma's Will](!akromaswill) - [x] Done -- [Alchemist's Refuge](!alchemistsrefuge) - [x] Done -- [Altar of the Wretched](!altarofthewretched) - [x] Done -- [Amphin Mutineer](!amphinmutineer) - [x] Done -- [Amulet of Vigor](!amuletofvigor) - [x] Done -- [Angrath's Marauders](!angrathsmarauders) - [x] Done -- [Apex Altisaur](!apexaltisaur) - [x] Done -- [Arcane Signet](!arcanesignet) - [x] Done -- [Arch of Orazca](!archoforazca) - [x] Done -- [Archaeomancer's Map](!archaeomancersmap) - [x] Done -- [Arm-Mounted Anchor](!armmountedanchor) - [x] Done -- [Atzocan Seer](!atzocanseer) - [x] Done -- [Austere Command](!austerecommand) - [x] Done -- [Azure Fleet Admiral](!azurefleetadmiral) - [x] Done -- [Beast Within](!beastwithin) - [x] Done -- [Bellowing Aegisaur](!bellowingaegisaur) - [x] Done -- [Benthic Biomancer](!benthicbiomancer) - [x] Done -- [Bident of Thassa](!bidentofthassa) - [x] Done -- [Black Market Connections](!blackmarketconnections) - [x] Done -- [Blade of the Bloodchief](!bladeofthebloodchief) - [x] Done -- [Blasphemous Act](!blasphemousact) - [x] Done -- [Blood Artist](!bloodartist) - [x] Done -- [Blood Money](!bloodmoney) - [x] Done -- [Bloodghast](!bloodghast) - [x] Done -- [Bloodline Necromancer](!bloodlinenecromancer) - [x] Done -- [Bloodtracker](!bloodtracker) - [x] Done -- [Bojuka Bog](!bojukabog) - [x] Done -- [Branching Evolution](!branchingevolution) - [x] Done -- [Breeches, Brazen Plunderer](!breechesbrazenplunderer) - [x] Done -- [Broadside Bombardiers](!broadsidebombardiers) - [x] Done -- [Bronzebeak Foragers](!bronzebeakforagers) - [x] Done -- [Butcher of Malakir](!butcherofmalakir) - [x] Done -- [Bygone Marvels](!bygonemarvels) - [x] Done -- [Canopy Vista](!canopyvista) - [x] Done -- [Captain Lannery Storm](!captainlannerystorm) - [x] Done -- [Captivating Crew](!captivatingcrew) - [x] Done -- [Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher](!carmencruelskymarcher) - [x] Done -- [Chalice of the Void](!chaliceofthevoid) - [x] Done -- [Champion of Dusk](!championofdusk) - [x] Done -- [Chandra's Ignition](!chandrasignition) - [x] Done -- [Chaos Warp](!chaoswarp) - [x] Done -- [Charismatic Conqueror](!charismaticconqueror) - [x] Done -- [Chimil, the Inner Sun](!chimiltheinnersun) - [x] Done -- [Choked Estuary](!chokedestuary) - [x] Done -- [Chromatic Orrery](!chromaticorrery) - [x] Done -- [Cinder Glade](!cinderglade) - [x] Done -- [Clavileno, First of the Blessed](!clavilenofirstoftheblessed) - [x] Done -- [Clifftop Retreat](!clifftopretreat) - [x] Done -- [Coat of Arms](!coatofarms) - [x] Done -- [Coercive Portal](!coerciveportal) - [x] Done -- [Coercive Recruiter](!coerciverecruiter) - [x] Done -- [Cold-Eyed Selkie](!coldeyedselkie) - [x] Done -- [Colossus Hammer](!colossushammer) - [x] Done -- [Command Tower](!commandtower) - [x] Done -- [Commander's Sphere](!commanderssphere) - [x] Done -- [Commit // Memory](!commitmemory) - [x] Done -- [Contest of Claws](!contestofclaws) - [x] Done -- [Coralhelm Commander](!coralhelmcommander) - [x] Done -- [Cordial Vampire](!cordialvampire) - [x] Done -- [Corsair Captain](!corsaircaptain) - [x] Done -- [Crossway Troublemakers](!crosswaytroublemakers) - [x] Done -- [Cruel Celebrant](!cruelcelebrant) - [x] Done -- [Crumbling Necropolis](!crumblingnecropolis) - [x] Done -- [Cultivate](!cultivate) - [x] Done -- [Curious Altisaur](!curiousaltisaur) - [x] Done -- [Curse of the Swine](!curseoftheswine) - [x] Done -- [Damn](!damn) - [x] Done -- [Daring Saboteur](!daringsaboteur) - [x] Done -- [Deathgorge Scavenger](!deathgorgescavenger) - [x] Done -- [Deeproot Elite](!deeprootelite) - [x] Done -- [Deeproot Historian](!deeproothistorian) - [x] Done -- [Deeproot Waters](!deeprootwaters) - [x] Done -- [Departed Deckhand](!departeddeckhand) - [x] Done -- [Descendants' Path](!descendantspath) - [x] Done -- [Desolate Lighthouse](!desolatelighthouse) - [x] Done -- [Dimir Signet](!dimirsignet) - [x] Done -- [Dinosaur Egg](!dinosauregg) - [x] Done -- [Dire Fleet Daredevil](!direfleetdaredevil) - [x] Done -- [Dire Fleet Ravager](!direfleetravager) - [x] Done -- [Distant Melody](!distantmelody) - [x] Done -- [Don Andres, the Renegade](!donandrestherenegade) - [x] Done -- [Drana, Liberator of Malakir](!dranaliberatorofmalakir) - [x] Done -- [Drover of the Mighty](!droverofthemighty) - [x] Done -- [Dusk Legion Sergeant](!dusklegionsergeant) - [x] Done -- [Dusk Legion Zealot](!dusklegionzealot) - [x] Done -- [Elenda's Hierophant](!elendashierophant) - [x] Done -- [Elenda, the Dusk Rose](!elendatheduskrose) - [x] Done -- [Emperor Mihail II](!emperormihailii) - [x] Done -- [Etali, Primal Storm](!etaliprimalstorm) - [x] Done -- [Etchings of the Chosen](!etchingsofthechosen) - [x] Done -- [Evacuation](!evacuation) - [x] Done -- [Everflowing Chalice](!everflowingchalice) - [x] Done -- [Evolution Sage](!evolutionsage) - [x] Done -- [Evolving Wilds](!evolvingwilds) - [x] Done -- [Exotic Orchard](!exoticorchard) - [x] Done -- [Expedition Map](!expeditionmap) - [x] Done -- [Explore](!explore) - [x] Done -- [Exquisite Blood](!exquisiteblood) - [x] Done -- [Faithless Looting](!faithlesslooting) - [x] Done -- [Falkenrath Noble](!falkenrathnoble) - [x] Done -- [Farseek](!farseek) - [x] Done -- [Fathom Fleet Captain](!fathomfleetcaptain) - [x] Done -- [Feed the Swarm](!feedtheswarm) - [x] Done -- [Fiery Confluence](!fieryconfluence) - [x] Done -- [Fist of Suns](!fistofsuns) - [x] Done -- [Foreboding Ruins](!forebodingruins) - [x] Done -- [Fortified Village](!fortifiedvillage) - [x] Done -- [Francisco, Fowl Marauder](!franciscofowlmarauder) - [x] Done -- [From the Rubble](!fromtherubble) - [x] Done -- [Frostboil Snarl](!frostboilsnarl) - [x] Done -- [Furycalm Snarl](!furycalmsnarl) - [x] Done -- [Game Trail](!gametrail) - [x] Done -- [Geier Reach Sanitarium](!geierreachsanitarium) - [x] Done -- [Gemcutter Buccaneer](!gemcutterbuccaneer) - [x] Done -- [Generous Gift](!generousgift) - [x] Done -- [Ghost of Ramirez DePietro](!ghostoframirezdepietro) - [x] Done -- [Glass-Cast Heart](!glasscastheart) - [x] Done -- [Growth Spiral](!growthspiral) - [x] Done -- [Hakbal of the Surging Soul](!hakbalofthesurgingsoul) - [x] Done -- [Hardened Scales](!hardenedscales) - [x] Done -- [Heirloom Blade](!heirloomblade) - [x] Done -- [Herald of Secret Streams](!heraldofsecretstreams) - [x] Done -- [Herald's Horn](!heraldshorn) - [x] Done -- [Hinterland Harbor](!hinterlandharbor) - [x] Done -- [Hostage Taker](!hostagetaker) - [x] Done -- [Icon of Ancestry](!iconofancestry) - [x] Done -- [Illustrious Wanderglyph](!illustriouswanderglyph) - [x] Done -- [Indulgent Aristocrat](!indulgentaristocrat) - [x] Done -- [Inspiring Call](!inspiringcall) - [x] Done -- [Isolated Chapel](!isolatedchapel) - [x] Done -- [Izzet Signet](!izzetsignet) - [x] Done -- [Jungle Shrine](!jungleshrine) - [x] Done -- [Kari Zev, Skyship Raider](!karizevskyshipraider) - [x] Done -- [Karn's Bastion](!karnsbastion) - [x] Done -- [Kessig Wolf Run](!kessigwolfrun) - [x] Done -- [Kindred Boon](!kindredboon) - [x] Done -- [Kindred Discovery](!kindreddiscovery) - [x] Done -- [King Narfi's Betrayal](!kingnarfisbetrayal) - [x] Done -- [Kinjalli's Sunwing](!kinjallissunwing) - [x] Done -- [Kiora's Follower](!kiorasfollower) - [x] Done -- [Kodama's Reach](!kodamasreach) - [x] Done -- [Kopala, Warden of Waves](!kopalawardenofwaves) - [x] Done -- [Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca](!kumenatyrantoforazca) - [x] Done -- [Legion Lieutenant](!legionlieutenant) - [x] Done -- [Lethal Scheme](!lethalscheme) - [x] Done -- [Lifecrafter's Bestiary](!lifecraftersbestiary) - [x] Done -- [Lightning Greaves](!lightninggreaves) - [x] Done -- [Llanowar Reborn](!llanowarreborn) - [x] Done -- [Majestic Heliopterus](!majesticheliopterus) - [x] Done -- [Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator](!malcolmkeeneyednavigator) - [x] Done -- [Marauding Raptor](!maraudingraptor) - [x] Done -- [March of the Canonized](!marchofthecanonized) - [x] Done -- [Martyr of Dusk](!martyrofdusk) - [x] Done -- [Master of Dark Rites](!masterofdarkrites) - [x] Done -- [Master of the Pearl Trident](!masterofthepearltrident) - [x] Done -- [Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle](!mavrenfeinduskapostle) - [x] Done -- [Merchant Raiders](!merchantraiders) - [x] Done -- [Merfolk Mistbinder](!merfolkmistbinder) - [x] Done -- [Merfolk Skydiver](!merfolkskydiver) - [x] Done -- [Merfolk Sovereign](!merfolksovereign) - [x] Done -- [Merrow Reejerey](!merrowreejerey) - [x] Done -- [Metallic Mimic](!metallicmimic) - [x] Done -- [Migration Path](!migrationpath) - [x] Done -- [Mimic Vat](!mimicvat) - [x] Done -- [Mind Stone](!mindstone) - [x] Done -- [Mist Dancer](!mistdancer) - [x] Done -- [Mosswort Bridge](!mosswortbridge) - [x] Done -- [Myriad Landscape](!myriadlandscape) - [x] Done -- [Nephalia Drownyard](!nephaliadrownyard) - [x] Done -- [New Blood](!newblood) - [x] Done -- [Nighthawk Scavenger](!nighthawkscavenger) - [x] Done -- [Oathsworn Vampire](!oathswornvampire) - [x] Done -- [Olivia's Wrath](!oliviaswrath) - [x] Done -- [Order of Sacred Dusk](!orderofsacreddusk) - [x] Done -- [Ore-Rich Stalactite](!orerichstalactite) - [x] Done -- [Orzhov Basilica](!orzhovbasilica) - [x] Done -- [Orzhov Signet](!orzhovsignet) - [x] Done -- [Otepec Huntmaster](!otepechuntmaster) - [x] Done -- [Pact of the Serpent](!pactoftheserpent) - [x] Done -- [Pantlaza, Sun-Favored](!pantlazasunfavored) - [x] Done -- [Path of Ancestry](!pathofancestry) - [x] Done -- [Path to Exile](!pathtoexile) - [x] Done -- [Patron of the Vein](!patronofthevein) - [x] Done -- [Pitiless Plunderer](!pitilessplunderer) - [x] Done -- [Port Razer](!portrazer) - [x] Done -- [Port of Karfell](!portofkarfell) - [x] Done -- [Prime Speaker Zegana](!primespeakerzegana) - [x] Done -- [Prismari Command](!prismaricommand) - [x] Done -- [Progenitor's Icon](!progenitorsicon) - [x] Done -- [Promise of Aclazotz](!promiseofaclazotz) - [x] Done -- [Quandrix Command](!quandrixcommand) - [x] Done -- [Quartzwood Crasher](!quartzwoodcrasher) - [x] Done -- [Radiant Destiny](!radiantdestiny) - [x] Done -- [Raging Regisaur](!ragingregisaur) - [x] Done -- [Raging Swordtooth](!ragingswordtooth) - [x] Done -- [Rakdos Charm](!rakdoscharm) - [x] Done -- [Rakdos Signet](!rakdossignet) - [x] Done -- [Ramirez DePietro, Pillager](!ramirezdepietropillager) - [x] Done -- [Rampaging Brontodon](!rampagingbrontodon) - [x] Done -- [Rampant Growth](!rampantgrowth) - [x] Done -- [Ranging Raptors](!rangingraptors) - [x] Done -- [Rapid Hybridization](!rapidhybridization) - [x] Done -- [Ravenform](!ravenform) - [x] Done -- [Realmwalker](!realmwalker) - [x] Done -- [Redemption Choir](!redemptionchoir) - [x] Done -- [Reflections of Littjara](!reflectionsoflittjara) - [x] Done -- [Regal Behemoth](!regalbehemoth) - [x] Done -- [Regisaur Alpha](!regisauralpha) - [x] Done -- [Reliquary Tower](!reliquarytower) - [x] Done -- [Return of the Wildspeaker](!returnofthewildspeaker) - [x] Done -- [Return to Dust](!returntodust) - [x] Done -- [Rhythm of the Wild](!rhythmofthewild) - [x] Done -- [Ripjaw Raptor](!ripjawraptor) - [x] Done -- [Ripples of Potential](!ripplesofpotential) - [x] Done -- [Rishkar's Expertise](!rishkarsexpertise) - [x] Done -- [Rogue's Passage](!roguespassage) - [x] Done -- [Ruinous Intrusion](!ruinousintrusion) - [x] Done -- [Runic Armasaur](!runicarmasaur) - [x] Done -- [Sage of Fables](!sageoffables) - [x] Done -- [Sanctum Seeker](!sanctumseeker) - [x] Done -- [Savage Stomp](!savagestomp) - [x] Done -- [Scion of Calamity](!scionofcalamity) - [x] Done -- [Seafloor Oracle](!seafloororacle) - [x] Done -- [Secluded Courtyard](!secludedcourtyard) - [x] Done -- [Shared Animosity](!sharedanimosity) - [x] Done -- [Shifting Ceratops](!shiftingceratops) - [x] Done -- [Shineshadow Snarl](!shineshadowsnarl) - [x] Done -- [Simic Ascendancy](!simicascendancy) - [x] Done -- [Simic Growth Chamber](!simicgrowthchamber) - [x] Done -- [Simic Signet](!simicsignet) - [x] Done -- [Singer of Swift Rivers](!singerofswiftrivers) - [x] Done -- [Siren Stormtamer](!sirenstormtamer) - [x] Done -- [Skeleton Crew](!skeletoncrew) - [x] Done -- [Smoldering Marsh](!smolderingmarsh) - [x] Done -- [Sol Ring](!solring) - [x] Done -- [Sorin, Lord of Innistrad](!sorinlordofinnistrad) - [x] Done -- [Spectral Sailor](!spectralsailor) - [x] Done -- [Stonybrook Banneret](!stonybrookbanneret) - [x] Done -- [Storm Fleet Negotiator](!stormfleetnegotiator) - [x] Done -- [Strionic Resonator](!strionicresonator) - [x] Done -- [Sulfur Falls](!sulfurfalls) - [x] Done -- [Sunfrill Imitator](!sunfrillimitator) - [x] Done -- [Sunken Hollow](!sunkenhollow) - [x] Done -- [Surgespanner](!surgespanner) - [x] Done -- [Svyelun of Sea and Sky](!svyelunofseaandsky) - [x] Done -- [Swiftfoot Boots](!swiftfootboots) - [x] Done -- [Swords to Plowshares](!swordstoplowshares) - [x] Done -- [Tainted Field](!taintedfield) - [x] Done -- [Talisman of Hierarchy](!talismanofhierarchy) - [x] Done -- [Tatyova, Benthic Druid](!tatyovabenthicdruid) - [x] Done -- [Temple Altisaur](!templealtisaur) - [x] Done -- [Temple Bell](!templebell) - [x] Done -- [Temple of Mystery](!templeofmystery) - [x] Done -- [Temple of Silence](!templeofsilence) - [x] Done -- [Temple of the False God](!templeofthefalsegod) - [x] Done -- [Terramorphic Expanse](!terramorphicexpanse) - [x] Done -- [Tetzin, Gnome Champion](!tetzingnomechampion) - [x] Done -- [Thassa, God of the Sea](!thassagodofthesea) - [x] Done -- [The Grim Captain's Locker](!thegrimcaptainslocker) - [x] Done -- [The Indomitable](!theindomitable) - [x] Done -- [Thieving Skydiver](!thievingskydiver) - [x] Done -- [Thought Vessel](!thoughtvessel) - [x] Done -- [Thriving Bluff](!thrivingbluff) - [x] Done -- [Thriving Grove](!thrivinggrove) - [x] Done -- [Thriving Heath](!thrivingheath) - [x] Done -- [Thriving Isle](!thrivingisle) - [x] Done -- [Thriving Moor](!thrivingmoor) - [x] Done -- [Thunderherd Migration](!thunderherdmigration) - [x] Done -- [Thundering Spineback](!thunderingspineback) - [x] Done -- [Timestream Navigator](!timestreamnavigator) - [x] Done -- [Timothar, Baron of Bats](!timotharbaronofbats) - [x] Done -- [Tishana, Voice of Thunder](!tishanavoiceofthunder) - [x] Done -- [Topiary Stomper](!topiarystomper) - [x] Done -- [Topography Tracker](!topographytracker) - [x] Done -- [Tributary Instructor](!tributaryinstructor) - [x] Done -- [Twilight Prophet](!twilightprophet) - [x] Done -- [Unclaimed Territory](!unclaimedterritory) - [x] Done -- [Utter End](!utterend) - [x] Done -- [Vanquisher's Banner](!vanquishersbanner) - [x] Done -- [Vault of the Archangel](!vaultofthearchangel) - [x] Done -- [Verdant Sun's Avatar](!verdantsunsavatar) - [x] Done -- [Village Rites](!villagerites) - [x] Done -- [Vineglimmer Snarl](!vineglimmersnarl) - [x] Done -- [Viscera Seer](!visceraseer) - [x] Done -- [Voldaren Estate](!voldarenestate) - [x] Done -- [Vona, Butcher of Magan](!vonabutcherofmagan) - [x] Done -- [Vorel of the Hull Clade](!vorelofthehullclade) - [x] Done -- [Wakening Sun's Avatar](!wakeningsunsavatar) - [x] Done -- [Warkite Marauder](!warkitemarauder) - [x] Done -- [Wave Goodbye](!wavegoodbye) - [x] Done -- [Wayfarer's Bauble](!wayfarersbauble) - [x] Done -- [Wayta, Trainer Prodigy](!waytatrainerprodigy) - [x] Done -- [Wayward Swordtooth](!waywardswordtooth) - [x] Done -- [Wedding Ring](!weddingring) - [x] Done -- [Welcoming Vampire](!welcomingvampire) - [x] Done -- [Whispersilk Cloak](!whispersilkcloak) - [x] Done -- [Windbrisk Heights](!windbriskheights) - [x] Done -- [Windfall](!windfall) - [x] Done -- [Worn Powerstone](!wornpowerstone) - [x] Done -- [Wrathful Raptors](!wrathfulraptors) - [x] Done -- [Xavier Sal, Infested Captain](!xaviersalinfestedcaptain) - [x] Done -- [Xenagos, God of Revels](!xenagosgodofrevels) - [x] Done -- [Xolatoyac, the Smiling Flood](!xolatoyacthesmilingflood) - [x] Done -- [Yahenni, Undying Partisan](!yahenniundyingpartisan) - [x] Done -- [Zacama, Primal Calamity](!zacamaprimalcalamity) - [x] Done -- [Zara, Renegade Recruiter](!zararenegaderecruiter) - [x] Done -- [Zegana, Utopian Speaker](!zeganautopianspeaker) - [x] Done -- [Zetalpa, Primal Dawn](!zetalpaprimaldawn)
theelk801 commented 9 months ago

Additional tasks:

none yet

alexander-novo commented 6 months ago

Let me grab Tetzin, Gnome Champion and Eye of Ojer Taq

jimga150 commented 6 months ago

Working on Wayta, Trainer Prodigy, Progenitor's Icon, Bronzebeak Foragers, From the Rubble, Pantlaza, Sun-Favored and Sunfrill Imitator

jimga150 commented 6 months ago

Working on Contest of Claws

DominionSpy commented 6 months ago

Working on The Grim Captain's Locker

DominionSpy commented 6 months ago

Going to have a go at Clavileno, First of the Blessed

DominionSpy commented 6 months ago

Working on Ripples of Potential

DominionSpy commented 6 months ago

Working on Paleontologist's Pick-Axe

jeffwadsworth commented 5 months ago

Let me grab Tetzin, Gnome Champion and Eye of Ojer Taq

Hey, are you still working on the Tetzin? If not, please let me know.

DominionSpy commented 5 months ago

Working on Ore-Rich Stalactite

DominionSpy commented 5 months ago

Working on Charismatic Conqueror

alexander-novo commented 5 months ago

Let me grab Tetzin, Gnome Champion and Eye of Ojer Taq

Hey, are you still working on the Tetzin? If not, please let me know.

Feel free to grab it.

DominionSpy commented 5 months ago

Working on Don Andres, the Renegade and Gemcutter Buccaneer

jeffwadsworth commented 3 months ago

Working on Eye of Ojer Taq