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Magic Another Game Engine
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MKC - Murders at Karlov Manor Commander Set Card Implementation Tracking #11669

Open theelk801 opened 6 months ago

theelk801 commented 6 months ago

This checklist is here to help manage the implementation of Murders at Karlov Manor Commander. If a card is marked as being in progress then someone is working on it.

If you're new to implementing cards then you likely don't have permission to check things off. This is totally fine! We still appreciate your contributions so just leave a comment to let us know that you're working on it.

Don't worry about moving things from in progress to completed either, there's a script that handles that, and don't worry about fixing text issues as those are usually handled when the set is done.

All Sets

Unimplemented Cards

Scryfall gallery of everything currently unimplemented

Implemented Cards

Click to expand - [x] Done -- [Academy Manufactor](!academymanufactor) - [x] Done -- [Access Tunnel](!accesstunnel) - [x] Done -- [Adrix and Nev, Twincasters](!adrixandnevtwincasters) - [x] Done -- [Aerial Extortionist](!aerialextortionist) - [x] Done -- [Agitator Ant](!agitatorant) - [x] Done -- [Ainok Survivalist](!ainoksurvivalist) - [x] Done -- [Akroma, Angel of Fury](!akromaangeloffury) - [x] Done -- [Alandra, Sky Dreamer](!alandraskydreamer) - [x] Done -- [Amphin Mutineer](!amphinmutineer) - [x] Done -- [Ancient Stone Idol](!ancientstoneidol) - [x] Done -- [Angel of the Ruins](!angeloftheruins) - [x] Done -- [Animate Dead](!animatedead) - [x] Done -- [Anya, Merciless Angel](!anyamercilessangel) - [x] Done -- [Arcane Signet](!arcanesignet) - [x] Done -- [Armed with Proof](!armedwithproof) - [x] Done -- [Ash Barrens](!ashbarrens) - [x] Done -- [Ashcloud Phoenix](!ashcloudphoenix) - [x] Done -- [Austere Command](!austerecommand) - [x] Done -- [Azorius Chancery](!azoriuschancery) - [x] Done -- [Azorius Signet](!azoriussignet) - [x] Done -- [Baleful Strix](!balefulstrix) - [x] Done -- [Beast Whisperer](!beastwhisperer) - [x] Done -- [Bennie Bracks, Zoologist](!benniebrackszoologist) - [x] Done -- [Black Sun's Zenith](!blacksunszenith) - [x] Done -- [Bloodthirsty Blade](!bloodthirstyblade) - [x] Done -- [Bojuka Bog](!bojukabog) - [x] Done -- [Boros Garrison](!borosgarrison) - [x] Done -- [Boros Reckoner](!borosreckoner) - [x] Done -- [Brainstorm](!brainstorm) - [x] Done -- [Brash Taunter](!brashtaunter) - [x] Done -- [Broodhatch Nantuko](!broodhatchnantuko) - [x] Done -- [Canopy Vista](!canopyvista) - [x] Done -- [Case of the Shifting Visage](!caseoftheshiftingvisage) - [x] Done -- [Castle Ardenvale](!castleardenvale) - [x] Done -- [Chaos Warp](!chaoswarp) - [x] Done -- [Charnel Serenade](!charnelserenade) - [x] Done -- [Choked Estuary](!chokedestuary) - [x] Done -- [Chulane, Teller of Tales](!chulanetelleroftales) - [x] Done -- [Cinder Glade](!cinderglade) - [x] Done -- [Comeuppance](!comeuppance) - [x] Done -- [Command Tower](!commandtower) - [x] Done -- [Confirm Suspicions](!confirmsuspicions) - [x] Done -- [Connive // Concoct](!conniveconcoct) - [x] Done -- [Consider](!consider) - [x] Done -- [Copy Catchers](!copycatchers) - [x] Done -- [Counterpoint](!counterpoint) - [x] Done -- [Curate](!curate) - [x] Done -- [Curse of Opulence](!curseofopulence) - [x] Done -- [Darien, King of Kjeldor](!darienkingofkjeldor) - [x] Done -- [Darkwater Catacombs](!darkwatercatacombs) - [x] Done -- [Deathmist Raptor](!deathmistraptor) - [x] Done -- [Decimate](!decimate) - [x] Done -- [Deep Analysis](!deepanalysis) - [x] Done -- [Deflecting Palm](!deflectingpalm) - [x] Done -- [Den Protector](!denprotector) - [x] Done -- [Detective of the Month](!detectiveofthemonth) - [x] Done -- [Dimir Aqueduct](!dimiraqueduct) - [x] Done -- [Dimir Signet](!dimirsignet) - [x] Done -- [Dimir Spybug](!dimirspybug) - [x] Done -- [Discovery // Dispersal](!discoverydispersal) - [x] Done -- [Disinformation Campaign](!disinformationcampaign) - [x] Done -- [Disorder in the Court](!disorderinthecourt) - [x] Done -- [Disrupt Decorum](!disruptdecorum) - [x] Done -- [Dogged Detective](!doggeddetective) - [x] Done -- [Doom Whisperer](!doomwhisperer) - [x] Done -- [Dream Eater](!dreameater) - [x] Done -- [Drownyard Temple](!drownyardtemple) - [x] Done -- [Duelist's Heritage](!duelistsheritage) - [x] Done -- [Dusk // Dawn](!duskdawn) - [x] Done -- [Duskana, the Rage Mother](!duskanatheragemother) - [x] Done -- [Elspeth, Sun's Champion](!elspethsunschampion) - [x] Done -- [Enhanced Surveillance](!enhancedsurveillance) - [x] Done -- [Ephara's Dispersal](!epharasdispersal) - [x] Done -- [Erdwal Illuminator](!erdwalilluminator) - [x] Done -- [Esix, Fractal Bloom](!esixfractalbloom) - [x] Done -- [Etali, Primal Storm](!etaliprimalstorm) - [x] Done -- [Ethereal Investigator](!etherealinvestigator) - [x] Done -- [Everflowing Chalice](!everflowingchalice) - [x] Done -- [Exalted Angel](!exaltedangel) - [x] Done -- [Exotic Orchard](!exoticorchard) - [x] Done -- [Experiment Twelve](!experimenttwelve) - [x] Done -- [Farewell](!farewell) - [x] Done -- [Fell the Mighty](!fellthemighty) - [x] Done -- [Fellwar Stone](!fellwarstone) - [x] Done -- [Fetid Pools](!fetidpools) - [x] Done -- [Fiendish Duo](!fiendishduo) - [x] Done -- [Final-Word Phantom](!finalwordphantom) - [x] Done -- [Finale of Revelation](!finaleofrevelation) - [x] Done -- [Follow the Bodies](!followthebodies) - [x] Done -- [Fortified Village](!fortifiedvillage) - [x] Done -- [Frontier Warmonger](!frontierwarmonger) - [x] Done -- [Fumigate](!fumigate) - [x] Done -- [Furycalm Snarl](!furycalmsnarl) - [x] Done -- [Game Trail](!gametrail) - [x] Done -- [Ghostly Prison](!ghostlyprison) - [x] Done -- [Gideon's Sacrifice](!gideonssacrifice) - [x] Done -- [Gisela, Blade of Goldnight](!giselabladeofgoldnight) - [x] Done -- [Graf Mole](!grafmole) - [x] Done -- [Grave Titan](!gravetitan) - [x] Done -- [Gruul Turf](!gruulturf) - [x] Done -- [Hidden Dragonslayer](!hiddendragonslayer) - [x] Done -- [Hooded Hydra](!hoodedhydra) - [x] Done -- [Hornet Queen](!hornetqueen) - [x] Done -- [Hostile Desert](!hostiledesert) - [x] Done -- [Hydroid Krasis](!hydroidkrasis) - [x] Done -- [Idol of Oblivion](!idolofoblivion) - [x] Done -- [Imperial Hellkite](!imperialhellkite) - [x] Done -- [Innocuous Researcher](!innocuousresearcher) - [x] Done -- [Inspiring Statuary](!inspiringstatuary) - [x] Done -- [Irrigated Farmland](!irrigatedfarmland) - [x] Done -- [Jeska's Will](!jeskaswill) - [x] Done -- [Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse](!jolraelmwonvulirecluse) - [x] Done -- [Jungle Shrine](!jungleshrine) - [x] Done -- [Junk Winder](!junkwinder) - [x] Done -- [Kappa Cannoneer](!kappacannoneer) - [x] Done -- [Kaust, Eyes of the Glade](!kausteyesoftheglade) - [x] Done -- [Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs](!kazuultyrantofthecliffs) - [x] Done -- [Keeper of the Accord](!keeperoftheaccord) - [x] Done -- [Kessig Wolf Run](!kessigwolfrun) - [x] Done -- [Kher Keep](!kherkeep) - [x] Done -- [Killer Service](!killerservice) - [x] Done -- [Knowledge Is Power](!knowledgeispower) - [x] Done -- [Koma, Cosmos Serpent](!komacosmosserpent) - [x] Done -- [Krosan Cloudscraper](!krosancloudscraper) - [x] Done -- [Krosan Colossus](!krosancolossus) - [x] Done -- [Krosan Verge](!krosanverge) - [x] Done -- [Labyrinth of Skophos](!labyrinthofskophos) - [x] Done -- [Lazav, the Multifarious](!lazavthemultifarious) - [x] Done -- [Lifecrafter's Bestiary](!lifecraftersbestiary) - [x] Done -- [Lonely Sandbar](!lonelysandbar) - [x] Done -- [Lonis, Cryptozoologist](!loniscryptozoologist) - [x] Done -- [Loran of the Third Path](!loranofthethirdpath) - [x] Done -- [Martial Impetus](!martialimpetus) - [x] Done -- [Massacre Wurm](!massacrewurm) - [x] Done -- [Master of Death](!masterofdeath) - [x] Done -- [Master of Pearls](!masterofpearls) - [x] Done -- [Mastery of the Unseen](!masteryoftheunseen) - [x] Done -- [Mechanized Production](!mechanizedproduction) - [x] Done -- [Merchant of Truth](!merchantoftruth) - [x] Done -- [Mind Stone](!mindstone) - [x] Done -- [Mirko, Obsessive Theorist](!mirkoobsessivetheorist) - [x] Done -- [Mirror Entity](!mirrorentity) - [x] Done -- [Mission Briefing](!missionbriefing) - [x] Done -- [Morska, Undersea Sleuth](!morskaunderseasleuth) - [x] Done -- [Mossfire Valley](!mossfirevalley) - [x] Done -- [Mosswort Bridge](!mosswortbridge) - [x] Done -- [Mulldrifter](!mulldrifter) - [x] Done -- [Myriad Landscape](!myriadlandscape) - [x] Done -- [Mystic Sanctuary](!mysticsanctuary) - [x] Done -- [Nadir Kraken](!nadirkraken) - [x] Done -- [Nantuko Vigilante](!nantukovigilante) - [x] Done -- [Nature's Lore](!natureslore) - [x] Done -- [Necromancy](!necromancy) - [x] Done -- [Needle Spires](!needlespires) - [x] Done -- [Neheb, the Eternal](!nehebtheeternal) - [x] Done -- [Nettlecyst](!nettlecyst) - [x] Done -- [Nightveil Sprite](!nightveilsprite) - [x] Done -- [Notion Rain](!notionrain) - [x] Done -- [Obscuring Aether](!obscuringaether) - [x] Done -- [Ohran Frostfang](!ohranfrostfang) - [x] Done -- [On the Trail](!onthetrail) - [x] Done -- [Ongoing Investigation](!ongoinginvestigation) - [x] Done -- [Organic Extinction](!organicextinction) - [x] Done -- [Orzhov Advokist](!orzhovadvokist) - [x] Done -- [Otherworldly Gaze](!otherworldlygaze) - [x] Done -- [Overseer of the Damned](!overseerofthedamned) - [x] Done -- [Path of Ancestry](!pathofancestry) - [x] Done -- [Path to Exile](!pathtoexile) - [x] Done -- [Phyrexian Arena](!phyrexianarena) - [x] Done -- [Phyrexian Metamorph](!phyrexianmetamorph) - [x] Done -- [Pile On](!pileon) - [x] Done -- [Port of Karfell](!portofkarfell) - [x] Done -- [Prairie Stream](!prairiestream) - [x] Done -- [Price of Fame](!priceoffame) - [x] Done -- [Printlifter Ooze](!printlifterooze) - [x] Done -- [Prisoner's Dilemma](!prisonersdilemma) - [x] Done -- [Promise of Loyalty](!promiseofloyalty) - [x] Done -- [Psychosis Crawler](!psychosiscrawler) - [x] Done -- [Ravenous Chupacabra](!ravenouschupacabra) - [x] Done -- [Reanimate](!reanimate) - [x] Done -- [Redemption Arc](!redemptionarc) - [x] Done -- [Reliquary Tower](!reliquarytower) - [x] Done -- [Return of the Wildspeaker](!returnofthewildspeaker) - [x] Done -- [Rise of the Dark Realms](!riseofthedarkrealms) - [x] Done -- [Rite of the Raging Storm](!riteoftheragingstorm) - [x] Done -- [River of Tears](!riveroftears) - [x] Done -- [Rogue's Passage](!roguespassage) - [x] Done -- [Root Elemental](!rootelemental) - [x] Done -- [Sacred Peaks](!sacredpeaks) - [x] Done -- [Sakura-Tribe Elder](!sakuratribeelder) - [x] Done -- [Salt Road Ambushers](!saltroadambushers) - [x] Done -- [Saryth, the Viper's Fang](!saryththevipersfang) - [x] Done -- [Scattered Groves](!scatteredgroves) - [x] Done -- [Scavenger Grounds](!scavengergrounds) - [x] Done -- [Scourge of the Throne](!scourgeofthethrone) - [x] Done -- [Scroll of Fate](!scrolloffate) - [x] Done -- [Seal of Cleansing](!sealofcleansing) - [x] Done -- [Search the Premises](!searchthepremises) - [x] Done -- [Seaside Citadel](!seasidecitadel) - [x] Done -- [Secluded Steppe](!secludedsteppe) - [x] Done -- [Seedborn Muse](!seedbornmuse) - [x] Done -- [Selesnya Sanctuary](!selesnyasanctuary) - [x] Done -- [Selfless Squire](!selflesssquire) - [x] Done -- [Selvala, Explorer Returned](!selvalaexplorerreturned) - [x] Done -- [Sevinne's Reclamation](!sevinnesreclamation) - [x] Done -- [Sheltered Thicket](!shelteredthicket) - [x] Done -- [Shimmer Dragon](!shimmerdragon) - [x] Done -- [Shiny Impetus](!shinyimpetus) - [x] Done -- [Showstopping Surprise](!showstoppingsurprise) - [x] Done -- [Shriekmaw](!shriekmaw) - [x] Done -- [Shrine of the Forsaken Gods](!shrineoftheforsakengods) - [x] Done -- [Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa](!sidarkondoofjamuraa) - [x] Done -- [Simic Growth Chamber](!simicgrowthchamber) - [x] Done -- [Simic Signet](!simicsignet) - [x] Done -- [Sinister Starfish](!sinisterstarfish) - [x] Done -- [Skycloud Expanse](!skycloudexpanse) - [x] Done -- [Slayers' Stronghold](!slayersstronghold) - [x] Done -- [Smuggler's Share](!smugglersshare) - [x] Done -- [Sol Ring](!solring) - [x] Done -- [Solemn Simulacrum](!solemnsimulacrum) - [x] Done -- [Sophia, Dogged Detective](!sophiadoggeddetective) - [x] Done -- [Soul Snare](!soulsnare) - [x] Done -- [Spectacular Showdown](!spectacularshowdown) - [x] Done -- [Sphinx of the Second Sun](!sphinxofthesecondsun) - [x] Done -- [Spire of Industry](!spireofindustry) - [x] Done -- [Stalking Leonin](!stalkingleonin) - [x] Done -- [Steel Hellkite](!steelhellkite) - [x] Done -- [Sun Titan](!suntitan) - [x] Done -- [Sungrass Prairie](!sungrassprairie) - [x] Done -- [Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion](!sunhomefortressofthelegion) - [x] Done -- [Sunken Hollow](!sunkenhollow) - [x] Done -- [Swords to Plowshares](!swordstoplowshares) - [x] Done -- [Syr Konrad, the Grim](!syrkonradthegrim) - [x] Done -- [Tainted Isle](!taintedisle) - [x] Done -- [Talisman of Conviction](!talismanofconviction) - [x] Done -- [Talisman of Curiosity](!talismanofcuriosity) - [x] Done -- [Talisman of Dominance](!talismanofdominance) - [x] Done -- [Talisman of Progress](!talismanofprogress) - [x] Done -- [Talisman of Unity](!talismanofunity) - [x] Done -- [Tangletrove Kelp](!tangletrovekelp) - [x] Done -- [Teferi's Ageless Insight](!teferisagelessinsight) - [x] Done -- [Temple of Abandon](!templeofabandon) - [x] Done -- [Temple of Enlightenment](!templeofenlightenment) - [x] Done -- [Temple of Mystery](!templeofmystery) - [x] Done -- [Temple of Plenty](!templeofplenty) - [x] Done -- [Temple of Triumph](!templeoftriumph) - [x] Done -- [Temple of the False God](!templeofthefalsegod) - [x] Done -- [Temur War Shaman](!temurwarshaman) - [x] Done -- [Tesak, Judith's Hellhound](!tesakjudithshellhound) - [x] Done -- [Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh](!tezzeretbetrayerofflesh) - [x] Done -- [Thelonite Hermit](!thelonitehermit) - [x] Done -- [Thought Monitor](!thoughtmonitor) - [x] Done -- [Thought Vessel](!thoughtvessel) - [x] Done -- [Thoughtbound Phantasm](!thoughtboundphantasm) - [x] Done -- [Three Visits](!threevisits) - [x] Done -- [Throne of the High City](!throneofthehighcity) - [x] Done -- [Tireless Tracker](!tirelesstracker) - [x] Done -- [Tocasia's Dig Site](!tocasiasdigsite) - [x] Done -- [Tome of Legends](!tomeoflegends) - [x] Done -- [Toski, Bearer of Secrets](!toskibearerofsecrets) - [x] Done -- [Toxic Deluge](!toxicdeluge) - [x] Done -- [Trail of Mystery](!trailofmystery) - [x] Done -- [Tranquil Thicket](!tranquilthicket) - [x] Done -- [Trouble in Pairs](!troubleinpairs) - [x] Done -- [Twilight Prophet](!twilightprophet) - [x] Done -- [Ugin's Mastery](!uginsmastery) - [x] Done -- [Ulvenwald Mysteries](!ulvenwaldmysteries) - [x] Done -- [Unshakable Tail](!unshakabletail) - [x] Done -- [Vengeful Ancestor](!vengefulancestor) - [x] Done -- [Vizier of Many Faces](!vizierofmanyfaces) - [x] Done -- [Vow of Duty](!vowofduty) - [x] Done -- [Vow of Lightning](!vowoflightning) - [x] Done -- [Wall of Omens](!wallofomens) - [x] Done -- [War Room](!warroom) - [x] Done -- [Watcher of Hours](!watcherofhours) - [x] Done -- [Wavesifter](!wavesifter) - [x] Done -- [Welcoming Vampire](!welcomingvampire) - [x] Done -- [Whirler Rogue](!whirlerrogue) - [x] Done -- [Whispering Snitch](!whisperingsnitch) - [x] Done -- [Whisperwood Elemental](!whisperwoodelemental) - [x] Done -- [Wild Growth](!wildgrowth) - [x] Done -- [Wilderness Reclamation](!wildernessreclamation) - [x] Done -- [Windborn Muse](!windbornmuse) - [x] Done -- [Winds of Rath](!windsofrath) - [x] Done -- [Yedora, Grave Gardener](!yedoragravegardener) - [x] Done -- [Zoetic Cavern](!zoeticcavern)
Susucre commented 5 months ago

Quoting the Release Notes, Suspend has been modified. It is now optional to cast the spell once the last counter is removed.

Suspend has received a functional update along with this release: when the last time counter is removed from a suspended card, casting that spell is now optional. If you don't cast it, it will remain in exile indefinitely.

Updated in #11892

jimga150 commented 4 months ago

Working on Redemption Arc

kzymaris commented 4 months ago

Working on Unshakable Tail

Cguy7777 commented 4 months ago

Working on Final-Word Phantom

skiwkr commented 3 months ago

Working on Prisoner's Dilemma