magefree / mage

Magic Another Game Engine
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Show players ping in battlefield and other windows #5568

Open JayDi85 opened 5 years ago

JayDi85 commented 5 years ago

XMage gameplay depends on the quality of communication of all players. That's why it's important to know opponents ping/lag.

Lobby stores info about all players and their ping (avg, last). It's can be used to show ping info on battlefield.


pak1989 commented 5 years ago

Having a max avg ping during match/tourney creation would be pretty good.

spjspj commented 5 years ago

I'd say this is a bad thing as people who are far from the server won't be able to get any games (limiting games by ping). Mine is consistently 250 ish but my quit %age is 7%.

JayDi85 commented 12 months ago

Pings command works in game chat, but ignored in table/tourney. It can be useful.