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40K - Warhammer 40,000 Set Card Implementation Tracking #8954

Open theelk801 opened 2 years ago

theelk801 commented 2 years ago

This checklist is here to help manage the implementation of Warhammer 40,000. If a card is marked as being in progress then someone is working on it.

If you're new to implementing cards then you likely don't have permission to check things off. This is totally fine! We still appreciate your contributions so just leave a comment to let us know that you're working on it.

Don't worry about moving things from in progress to completed either, there's a script that handles that, and don't worry about fixing text issues as those are usually handled when the set is done.

All Sets

Unimplemented Cards

Scryfall gallery of everything currently unimplemented

Implemented Cards

Click to expand - [x] Done -- [Abaddon the Despoiler](!abaddonthedespoiler) - [x] Done -- [Aberrant](!aberrant) - [x] Done -- [Abundance](!abundance) - [x] Done -- [Acolyte Hybrid](!acolytehybrid) - [x] Done -- [Aetherize](!aetherize) - [x] Done -- [And They Shall Know No Fear](!andtheyshallknownofear) - [x] Done -- [Arcane Sanctum](!arcanesanctum) - [x] Done -- [Arcane Signet](!arcanesignet) - [x] Done -- [Arco-Flagellant](!arcoflagellant) - [x] Done -- [Ash Barrens](!ashbarrens) - [x] Done -- [Aspiring Champion](!aspiringchampion) - [x] Done -- [Assault Intercessor](!assaultintercessor) - [x] Done -- [Assault Suit](!assaultsuit) - [x] Done -- [Atalan Jackal](!atalanjackal) - [x] Done -- [Barren Moor](!barrenmoor) - [x] Done -- [Bastion Protector](!bastionprotector) - [x] Done -- [Be'lakor, the Dark Master](!belakorthedarkmaster) - [x] Done -- [Beacon of Unrest](!beaconofunrest) - [x] Done -- [Belisarius Cawl](!belisariuscawl) - [x] Done -- [Bile Blight](!bileblight) - [x] Done -- [Biophagus](!biophagus) - [x] Done -- [Biotransference](!biotransference) - [x] Done -- [Birth of the Imperium](!birthoftheimperium) - [x] Done -- [Bituminous Blast](!bituminousblast) - [x] Done -- [Blasphemous Act](!blasphemousact) - [x] Done -- [Blight Grenade](!blightgrenade) - [x] Done -- [Blood for the Blood God!](!bloodforthebloodgod!) - [x] Done -- [Bloodcrusher of Khorne](!bloodcrusherofkhorne) - [x] Done -- [Bloodthirster](!bloodthirster) - [x] Done -- [Bone Sabres](!bonesabres) - [x] Done -- [Brainstorm](!brainstorm) - [x] Done -- [Bred for the Hunt](!bredforthehunt) - [x] Done -- [Broodlord](!broodlord) - [x] Done -- [Caged Sun](!cagedsun) - [x] Done -- [Callidus Assassin](!callidusassassin) - [x] Done -- [Canoptek Scarab Swarm](!canoptekscarabswarm) - [x] Done -- [Canoptek Spyder](!canoptekspyder) - [x] Done -- [Canoptek Tomb Sentinel](!canoptektombsentinel) - [x] Done -- [Canoptek Wraith](!canoptekwraith) - [x] Done -- [Cave of Temptation](!caveoftemptation) - [x] Done -- [Celestine, the Living Saint](!celestinethelivingsaint) - [x] Done -- [Chaos Defiler](!chaosdefiler) - [x] Done -- [Chaos Mutation](!chaosmutation) - [x] Done -- [Chaos Terminator Lord](!chaosterminatorlord) - [x] Done -- [Chaos Warp](!chaoswarp) - [x] Done -- [Choked Estuary](!chokedestuary) - [x] Done -- [Chromatic Lantern](!chromaticlantern) - [x] Done -- [Chronomancer](!chronomancer) - [x] Done -- [Cinder Glade](!cinderglade) - [x] Done -- [Clamavus](!clamavus) - [x] Done -- [Collective Effort](!collectiveeffort) - [x] Done -- [Command Tower](!commandtower) - [x] Done -- [Commander's Sphere](!commanderssphere) - [x] Done -- [Commissar Severina Raine](!commissarseverinaraine) - [x] Done -- [Company Commander](!companycommander) - [x] Done -- [Convergence of Dominion](!convergenceofdominion) - [x] Done -- [Cranial Plating](!cranialplating) - [x] Done -- [Crumbling Necropolis](!crumblingnecropolis) - [x] Done -- [Cryptek](!cryptek) - [x] Done -- [Cryptothrall](!cryptothrall) - [x] Done -- [Cultivate](!cultivate) - [x] Done -- [Cybernetica Datasmith](!cyberneticadatasmith) - [x] Done -- [Dark Apostle](!darkapostle) - [x] Done -- [Dark Ritual](!darkritual) - [x] Done -- [Darkness](!darkness) - [x] Done -- [Darkwater Catacombs](!darkwatercatacombs) - [x] Done -- [Death's Presence](!deathspresence) - [x] Done -- [Deathleaper, Terror Weapon](!deathleaperterrorweapon) - [x] Done -- [Decree of Pain](!decreeofpain) - [x] Done -- [Defenders of Humanity](!defendersofhumanity) - [x] Done -- [Defile](!defile) - [x] Done -- [Deny Reality](!denyreality) - [x] Done -- [Deny the Witch](!denythewitch) - [x] Done -- [Deploy to the Front](!deploytothefront) - [x] Done -- [Desert of the Glorified](!desertoftheglorified) - [x] Done -- [Dismal Backwater](!dismalbackwater) - [x] Done -- [Drach'Nyen](!drachnyen) - [x] Done -- [Dread Return](!dreadreturn) - [x] Done -- [Endless Atlas](!endlessatlas) - [x] Done -- [Entrapment Maneuver](!entrapmentmaneuver) - [x] Done -- [Epistolary Librarian](!epistolarylibrarian) - [x] Done -- [Everflowing Chalice](!everflowingchalice) - [x] Done -- [Evolving Wilds](!evolvingwilds) - [x] Done -- [Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch](!exaltedflameroftzeentch) - [x] Done -- [Exocrine](!exocrine) - [x] Done -- [Exotic Orchard](!exoticorchard) - [x] Done -- [Explore](!explore) - [x] Done -- [Exterminatus](!exterminatus) - [x] Done -- [Fabricate](!fabricate) - [x] Done -- [Farseek](!farseek) - [x] Done -- [Fell the Mighty](!fellthemighty) - [x] Done -- [Flayed One](!flayedone) - [x] Done -- [For the Emperor!](!fortheemperor!) - [x] Done -- [Foreboding Ruins](!forebodingruins) - [x] Done -- [Forgotten Cave](!forgottencave) - [x] Done -- [Frontier Bivouac](!frontierbivouac) - [x] Done -- [Game Trail](!gametrail) - [x] Done -- [Gargoyle Flock](!gargoyleflock) - [x] Done -- [Genestealer Locus](!genestealerlocus) - [x] Done -- [Genestealer Patriarch](!genestealerpatriarch) - [x] Done -- [Ghost Ark](!ghostark) - [x] Done -- [Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph](!ghyrsonstarnkelermorph) - [x] Done -- [Gilded Lotus](!gildedlotus) - [x] Done -- [Go for the Throat](!goforthethroat) - [x] Done -- [Goliath Truck](!goliathtruck) - [x] Done -- [Great Unclean One](!greatuncleanone) - [x] Done -- [Grey Knight Paragon](!greyknightparagon) - [x] Done -- [Hardened Scales](!hardenedscales) - [x] Done -- [Harrow](!harrow) - [x] Done -- [Haruspex](!haruspex) - [x] Done -- [Hedron Archive](!hedronarchive) - [x] Done -- [Helbrute](!helbrute) - [x] Done -- [Herald of Slaanesh](!heraldofslaanesh) - [x] Done -- [Herald's Horn](!heraldshorn) - [x] Done -- [Heralds of Tzeentch](!heraldsoftzeentch) - [x] Done -- [Hexmark Destroyer](!hexmarkdestroyer) - [x] Done -- [Hierophant Bio-Titan](!hierophantbiotitan) - [x] Done -- [Hormagaunt Horde](!hormagaunthorde) - [x] Done -- [Hour of Reckoning](!hourofreckoning) - [x] Done -- [Hull Breach](!hullbreach) - [x] Done -- [Icon of Ancestry](!iconofancestry) - [x] Done -- [Illuminor Szeras](!illuminorszeras) - [x] Done -- [Imotekh the Stormlord](!imotekhthestormlord) - [x] Done -- [Inquisitor Eisenhorn](!inquisitoreisenhorn) - [x] Done -- [Inquisitor Greyfax](!inquisitorgreyfax) - [x] Done -- [Inquisitorial Rosette](!inquisitorialrosette) - [x] Done -- [Inspiring Call](!inspiringcall) - [x] Done -- [Keeper of Secrets](!keeperofsecrets) - [x] Done -- [Kill! Maim! Burn!](!kill!maim!burn!) - [x] Done -- [Knight Paladin](!knightpaladin) - [x] Done -- [Knight Rampager](!knightrampager) - [x] Done -- [Launch the Fleet](!launchthefleet) - [x] Done -- [Let the Galaxy Burn](!letthegalaxyburn) - [x] Done -- [Lictor](!lictor) - [x] Done -- [Living Death](!livingdeath) - [x] Done -- [Lokhust Heavy Destroyer](!lokhustheavydestroyer) - [x] Done -- [Lord of Change](!lordofchange) - [x] Done -- [Lychguard](!lychguard) - [x] Done -- [Magnus the Red](!magnusthered) - [x] Done -- [Magus Lucea Kane](!magusluceakane) - [x] Done -- [Malanthrope](!malanthrope) - [x] Done -- [Mandate of Abaddon](!mandateofabaddon) - [x] Done -- [Marneus Calgar](!marneuscalgar) - [x] Done -- [Martial Coup](!martialcoup) - [x] Done -- [Mask of Memory](!maskofmemory) - [x] Done -- [Mawloc](!mawloc) - [x] Done -- [Memorial to Glory](!memorialtoglory) - [x] Done -- [Mind Stone](!mindstone) - [x] Done -- [Molten Slagheap](!moltenslagheap) - [x] Done -- [Mortarion, Daemon Primarch](!mortariondaemonprimarch) - [x] Done -- [Mortify](!mortify) - [x] Done -- [Mutalith Vortex Beast](!mutalithvortexbeast) - [x] Done -- [Mutilate](!mutilate) - [x] Done -- [Myriad Landscape](!myriadlandscape) - [x] Done -- [Mystic Forge](!mysticforge) - [x] Done -- [Necron Deathmark](!necrondeathmark) - [x] Done -- [Necron Monolith](!necronmonolith) - [x] Done -- [Necron Overlord](!necronoverlord) - [x] Done -- [New Horizons](!newhorizons) - [x] Done -- [Nexos](!nexos) - [x] Done -- [Night Scythe](!nightscythe) - [x] Done -- [Noise Marine](!noisemarine) - [x] Done -- [Nurgle's Conscription](!nurglesconscription) - [x] Done -- [Nurgle's Rot](!nurglesrot) - [x] Done -- [Old One Eye](!oldoneeye) - [x] Done -- [Opal Palace](!opalpalace) - [x] Done -- [Out of the Tombs](!outofthetombs) - [x] Done -- [Overgrowth](!overgrowth) - [x] Done -- [Past in Flames](!pastinflames) - [x] Done -- [Path of Ancestry](!pathofancestry) - [x] Done -- [Pink Horror](!pinkhorror) - [x] Done -- [Plague Drone](!plaguedrone) - [x] Done -- [Plasmancer](!plasmancer) - [x] Done -- [Polluted Mire](!pollutedmire) - [x] Done -- [Port Town](!porttown) - [x] Done -- [Poxwalkers](!poxwalkers) - [x] Done -- [Prairie Stream](!prairiestream) - [x] Done -- [Primaris Chaplain](!primarischaplain) - [x] Done -- [Primaris Eliminator](!primariseliminator) - [x] Done -- [Psychomancer](!psychomancer) - [x] Done -- [Purestrain Genestealer](!purestraingenestealer) - [x] Done -- [Rampant Growth](!rampantgrowth) - [x] Done -- [Ravener](!ravener) - [x] Done -- [Reaver Titan](!reavertitan) - [x] Done -- [Reconnaissance Mission](!reconnaissancemission) - [x] Done -- [Reliquary Tower](!reliquarytower) - [x] Done -- [Resurrection Orb](!resurrectionorb) - [x] Done -- [Reverberate](!reverberate) - [x] Done -- [Royal Warden](!royalwarden) - [x] Done -- [Rugged Highlands](!ruggedhighlands) - [x] Done -- [Sanguinary Priest](!sanguinarypriest) - [x] Done -- [Sautekh Immortal](!sautekhimmortal) - [x] Done -- [Sceptre of Eternal Glory](!sceptreofeternalglory) - [x] Done -- [Scoured Barrens](!scouredbarrens) - [x] Done -- [Screamer-Killer](!screamerkiller) - [x] Done -- [Sculpting Steel](!sculptingsteel) - [x] Done -- [Shadow in the Warp](!shadowinthewarp) - [x] Done -- [Shard of the Nightbringer](!shardofthenightbringer) - [x] Done -- [Shard of the Void Dragon](!shardofthevoiddragon) - [x] Done -- [Sicarian Infiltrator](!sicarianinfiltrator) - [x] Done -- [Sister Hospitaller](!sisterhospitaller) - [x] Done -- [Sister Repentia](!sisterrepentia) - [x] Done -- [Sister of Silence](!sisterofsilence) - [x] Done -- [Skorpekh Destroyer](!skorpekhdestroyer) - [x] Done -- [Skorpekh Lord](!skorpekhlord) - [x] Done -- [Skullclamp](!skullclamp) - [x] Done -- [Skycloud Expanse](!skycloudexpanse) - [x] Done -- [Sloppity Bilepiper](!sloppitybilepiper) - [x] Done -- [Sol Ring](!solring) - [x] Done -- [Space Marine Devastator](!spacemarinedevastator) - [x] Done -- [Space Marine Scout](!spacemarinescout) - [x] Done -- [Sporocyst](!sporocyst) - [x] Done -- [Starstorm](!starstorm) - [x] Done -- [Sunken Hollow](!sunkenhollow) - [x] Done -- [Swiftwater Cliffs](!swiftwatercliffs) - [x] Done -- [Swords to Plowshares](!swordstoplowshares) - [x] Done -- [Szarekh, the Silent King](!szarekhthesilentking) - [x] Done -- [Talisman of Creativity](!talismanofcreativity) - [x] Done -- [Talisman of Dominance](!talismanofdominance) - [x] Done -- [Talisman of Hierarchy](!talismanofhierarchy) - [x] Done -- [Talisman of Indulgence](!talismanofindulgence) - [x] Done -- [Talisman of Progress](!talismanofprogress) - [x] Done -- [Tallyman of Nurgle](!tallymanofnurgle) - [x] Done -- [Technomancer](!technomancer) - [x] Done -- [Temple of Abandon](!templeofabandon) - [x] Done -- [Temple of Epiphany](!templeofepiphany) - [x] Done -- [Temple of Mystery](!templeofmystery) - [x] Done -- [Temple of the False God](!templeofthefalsegod) - [x] Done -- [Termagant Swarm](!termagantswarm) - [x] Done -- [Terramorphic Expanse](!terramorphicexpanse) - [x] Done -- [Tervigon](!tervigon) - [x] Done -- [The First Tyrannic War](!thefirsttyrannicwar) - [x] Done -- [The Flesh Is Weak](!thefleshisweak) - [x] Done -- [The Golden Throne](!thegoldenthrone) - [x] Done -- [The Horus Heresy](!thehorusheresy) - [x] Done -- [The Lost and the Damned](!thelostandthedamned) - [x] Done -- [The Swarmlord](!theswarmlord) - [x] Done -- [The War in Heaven](!thewarinheaven) - [x] Done -- [Their Name Is Death](!theirnameisdeath) - [x] Done -- [Their Number Is Legion](!theirnumberislegion) - [x] Done -- [Thornwood Falls](!thornwoodfalls) - [x] Done -- [Thought Vessel](!thoughtvessel) - [x] Done -- [Thunderhawk Gunship](!thunderhawkgunship) - [x] Done -- [Thunderwolf Cavalry](!thunderwolfcavalry) - [x] Done -- [Tomb Blade](!tombblade) - [x] Done -- [Tomb Fortress](!tombfortress) - [x] Done -- [Toxicrene](!toxicrene) - [x] Done -- [Tranquil Cove](!tranquilcove) - [x] Done -- [Trazyn the Infinite](!trazyntheinfinite) - [x] Done -- [Triarch Praetorian](!triarchpraetorian) - [x] Done -- [Triarch Stalker](!triarchstalker) - [x] Done -- [Triumph of Saint Katherine](!triumphofsaintkatherine) - [x] Done -- [Trygon Prime](!trygonprime) - [x] Done -- [Tyranid Harridan](!tyranidharridan) - [x] Done -- [Tyranid Invasion](!tyranidinvasion) - [x] Done -- [Tyranid Prime](!tyranidprime) - [x] Done -- [Tyrant Guard](!tyrantguard) - [x] Done -- [Tzaangor Shaman](!tzaangorshaman) - [x] Done -- [Ultramarines Honour Guard](!ultramarineshonourguard) - [x] Done -- [Unclaimed Territory](!unclaimedterritory) - [x] Done -- [Unstable Obelisk](!unstableobelisk) - [x] Done -- [Utter End](!utterend) - [x] Done -- [Vanguard Suppressor](!vanguardsuppressor) - [x] Done -- [Vault of Whispers](!vaultofwhispers) - [x] Done -- [Venomcrawler](!venomcrawler) - [x] Done -- [Venomthrope](!venomthrope) - [x] Done -- [Vexilus Praetor](!vexiluspraetor) - [x] Done -- [Warstorm Surge](!warstormsurge) - [x] Done -- [Wayfarer's Bauble](!wayfarersbauble) - [x] Done -- [Winged Hive Tyrant](!wingedhivetyrant) - [x] Done -- [Worn Powerstone](!wornpowerstone) - [x] Done -- [Zephyrim](!zephyrim) - [x] Done -- [Zoanthrope](!zoanthrope)
theelk801 commented 2 years ago

Additional tasks:

Susucre commented 1 year ago

I am attempting to implement the squad mechanic. There is a lot care to have around copiable value and link an etb trigger to the squad cost being paid (similar to kicker/multikicker). Will drop a pull request soon, hopefully with everything working and unit tested.

timhae commented 1 year ago

Any updates on the cards that are listed as in progress? I started with Anrakyr but it needs something like CardUtil.castSpellWithAttributesForFreeOrLife and mage.abilities.effects.common.cost.CastFromHandOrGraveyardForLifeEffect, if nobody is working on that at the moment, I will continue to do so.

sd-jazz commented 1 year ago

Request to implement Triumph of Saint Katherine if there isn't any particular blocker on a technical level. The card currently sees play in Legacy miracles.

Chewbaklava commented 1 year ago

Request to implement Triumph of Saint Katherine if there isn't any particular blocker on a technical level. The card currently sees play in Legacy miracles.


xenohedron commented 1 year ago

10125 pending review to implement Triumph of Saint Katherine