magemonkeystudio / genesis

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53 suggestion discount #56

Closed MaksyKun closed 5 months ago

MaksyKun commented 5 months ago

Since we have a multiplier mechanic for permissions, I extended it to be applicable on single shops and event items of a shop. Those work like the following:

# MultiplierGroups:
# Here you can set up Price Multipliers.
# If enabled, this MultiplierGroups will be loaded and players with the right permissions will get a price decrease/increase.
# The lines of the List look like this: <Permission>:<Type>:<Multiplier>:<price/reward/both>:[shop]:[itemId].
# <Permission>: Here you can put in whatever you want. If you want a group to have this multiplier, just give that group your permission.
# <Type>: Multiplier Type. Valid: Money, Points, Exp
# <Multiplier>: Price = old Price * Multiplier
# <price/reward/both>: Here you enter the range of the multiplier. It can affect either prices, rewards or both. If using prices or rewards the value is multiplied by the multiplier.
# In case of using range "both" the prices are multiplied by the given multiplier and the rewards are divided by the given multiplier. If you do not define a range the plugin will automatically select "both".
# [shop]: Here you can define the shop the multiplier should be applied to. If you do not define a shop the plugin will select all shops.
# [itemId]: Here you can define the item the multiplier should be applied to. If you do not define an item the plugin will select all items of the shop.
# The modified price-format is shown in 'RenewedPriceFormat', showing %oldValue% as the old price and %newValue% as the new price.
# Players can be in multiple "MultiplierGroups" at the same time.
  Enabled: false
  RenewedPriceFormat: "&c&m%oldValue%&r &r&a%newValue%&r"
  - BossShop.PriceMultiplier.Points:points:0.75:price # Untouched
  - BossShop.PriceMultiplier.Money:money:0.5:price # Untouched
  - BossShop.RewardMultiplier.Money:money:2.0:reward # Untouched
  - BossShop.BothMultiplier.Exp:exp:0.8 # Untouched
  - BossShop.PriceMultiplier.SpecialShopTest:money:0.1:price:test-shop:test-item # Multiplies item "test-item" in shop "test-shop"
  - BossShop.PriceMultiplier.SpecialShopTest:money:0.1:price:test-shop # Multiplies all items of "test-shop"
  - BossShop.PriceMultiplier.SpecialShopTest:money:0.1:price:shop*:test* # Multiplies items that start with "test" wildcard inside of shops with "shop" wildcards

Summed up:

What's missing: