Open jackharbo opened 12 months ago
Try before running the code
!pip uninstall -y keras tensorflow tensorflow-probability absl-py astunparse flatbuffers gast google-pasta grpcio h5py keras keras-preprocessing libclang numpy opt-einsum protobuf setuptools six tensorboard tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem termcolor tf-estimator-nightly typing-extensions wrapt !pip install --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir tensorflow==2.11.0 !pip install tensorflow-probability==0.15.0 !pip install keras==2.11.0
I was having the same issue as user jackharbo and so I tried running the above before the code and now I'm just getting this:
what do I do now?
Describe the bug
Every time I try to train a new model, colab throws an error at the "Installing DDSP..." phase. After taking 5-10 minutes, it'll give me this error (full screenshot below): ImportError: cannot import name 'dtensor_api' from 'keras.dtensor' (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/keras/dtensor/
System Info
To Reproduce
1 - start colab notebook 2 - log in to google drive and choose folder