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MT3: Multi-Task Multitrack Music Transcription
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Google Colab Notebook says its not using the GPU #130

Closed mpl-cwassen closed 1 year ago

mpl-cwassen commented 1 year ago

When I try to run the Google Colab Notebook, when it starts the section "Transcribe Audio," a popup in the corner comes up and recommends switching away from the GPU settings, because the GPU is not being used. The section called "Load Model" also said that Jax didn't detect a GPU and switched to CPU mode.

My Runtime settings are set to GPU with a GPU setting of T4.

I tried restarting the runtime several times and it did not fix the issue.

iansimon commented 1 year ago

131 should fix, in the meantime you can modify the first cell of the colab to make the change manually

dianyo commented 1 year ago

@iansimon I just paste the new pip install cmd in the commit to the cell, but it still doesn't work. And I also use this command to install jax again !pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda11_pip]" -f, and I still cannot find my GPU on colab.

BTW, the nvidia-smi and nvcc command works. Not sure what's going on now, could you investigate it?

iansimon commented 1 year ago

Hmm, it seems to be working for me. Are you sure you're replacing the line !python3 -m pip install nest-asyncio numba==0.56.4 llvmlite==0.39.1 pyfluidsynth==1.3.0 -e . with !python3 -m pip install jax[cuda11_local] nest-asyncio numba==0.56.4 llvmlite==0.39.1 pyfluidsynth==1.3.0 -e . -f (and removing the earlier install of jax[cuda11_local])?