magento-hackathon / Simple-Image-Helper

Magento's image helper is bloated and the performance impact is quite significant. Some of the complexity can also be removed because the gain is not that significant (example: the hash part of the image url). I would like to be able to use a replacement with the following features: - lightweight - support for gd and imagemagick - has nicer image paths Optional: - use a queueing system for the resize job If others are interested we can spec this out further. Update by Admin:
32 stars 5 forks source link

There is one bug for getImageConfig fuction in Hackathon_SimpleImageHelper_Helper_Data #11

Closed tmp2000 closed 10 years ago

tmp2000 commented 10 years ago

It looks there is one mispell: the "$type" parameter name should be "$suffix".Otherwise,$this->_helper->getImageConfig in Hackathon_SimpleImageHelper_Model_Processor can not get width and height value from system.

jamescowie commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @tmp2000 I shall take a look at create a patch that resolves this issue.

jamescowie commented 10 years ago

Sorry for the delay. I have created a PR that resolves this issue.