magento-hackathon / developer-paradise-2016

2 stars 3 forks source link

Magerun command to analyse interceptors #12

Closed jissereitsma closed 8 years ago

jissereitsma commented 8 years ago

With interceptors / plugins you can modify original core methods. However, there is no way to get an overview of which methods are extended by which plugins. This hackathon project would build a Magerun2 CLI command to search for all plugins and their interceptor methods, and so on.

Hint to self: Interception/PluginList/PluginList.php

cmuench commented 8 years ago


jissereitsma commented 8 years ago

+1 (shameless self promotion)

peterjaap commented 8 years ago

It would be cool to have something visual like this too; interceptor-sortorder

jissereitsma commented 8 years ago

@peterjaap Yes, and connect it to a VR helmet so that you can look at it 360 degrees.

I'm closing my own hackathon early, because it seems a duplicate:

jissereitsma commented 8 years ago

Further more, yes, definitely a duplicate. The previous hackathon project does exactly what I was after. So I keep this closed.