magento-hackathon / magento-composer-installer

Composer installer for Magento modules
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Question: Is it not supposed that Magento Composer install the dependencies of a dependency? #109

Closed sylvainraye closed 10 years ago

sylvainraye commented 10 years ago


Is it not supposed that Magento Composer install the dependencies of a dependency?

I want with composer install the magento extension diglin/diglin_username, and this extension has also a dependency with magento-hackathon/hackathon_magetrashapp but this last is not installed although the Diglin Username extension is installed.

Here is the composer.json of the diglin username

Here is the MageTrash repo

Here is my composer at my project level

    "minimum-stability" : "dev",
    "require" : {
        "magento-hackathon/magento-composer-installer" : "2.0.0",

        "connect20/locale_mage_community_fr_fr": "1.*",
        "connect20/locale_mage_community_de_de": "1.*",

        "magento-hackathon/hackathon_magemonitoring": "2.*",

        "diglin/diglin_chat": "2.*",
    "require-dev": {
        "ivanchepurnyi/ecomdev_phpunit": "dev-master"
    "repositories" : [
            "type" : "composer",
            "url" : ""
    "extra" : {
        "magento-root-dir" : "./",
        "magento-deploystrategy": "copy",
        "magento-force": true

And here is the vendor hierarchy:

├── diglin_chat
├── diglin_corporate
├── diglin_username
└── lyra_innopay

4 directories, 0 files

If you have an idea what I did wrong or what I missed, I'll invite you for a beer :-)

Flyingmana commented 10 years ago

works just fine for me. Did you look int vendor/magento-hackathon/ for the trashapp?

try first remove composer.lock and vendor and then do a fresh composer install. If you wonder if a package got installed from composer its also worth to look into the composer.lock for the package name. If you still have the problem, could you please post the composer.lock?

sylvainraye commented 10 years ago

I removed composer.lock and vendor and I reinstalled and it worked. For the vendor tree I put in my last post, my apologize, I gave the wrong structure.

I owe you at least a beer. ;-)