magento-hackathon / magento-composer-installer

Composer installer for Magento modules
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Using escapeshellarg #180

Closed tobi-pb closed 9 years ago

tobi-pb commented 9 years ago

I think it a good idea to escape shell argument here. In my oppionen mklink and symlink does the same. but i am really not a windows guy ;)

Flyingmana commented 9 years ago

thank you,

@Cash2m, you worked on this, Iam also no windows user, can you test it or give a comment if this makes sense?

HenningCash commented 9 years ago

I thought about escaping aswell. The code fails for me because of too many quotes. But btw: Can't we use symlink() instead of exec() for windows too?

Flyingmana commented 9 years ago

if it works for you, maybe. I should search for a CI environment which offers windows :/

AydinHassan commented 9 years ago

Apparently you can run anything on here: My friend runs a node project on there

Flyingmana commented 9 years ago

great link, will get added the next days :)

LeeSaferite commented 9 years ago

I was just researching this and since PHP 5.3.0 you can use symlink on Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008 and above. As you already have a requirement for PHP 5.3.2+ I think having a requirement for Windows users of Vista or above is reasonable. With that in mind you could drop the whole OS check for Windows and treat it the same. Maybe add something to the docs about the version needed and the fact that symlinking only works (apparently) under administrator access.

Flyingmana commented 9 years ago

do you know how the output differs from exec('mklink'...) and symlink(...) if you dont have administator access on windows?

HenningCash commented 9 years ago

This is how symfony deals with it

LeeSaferite commented 9 years ago

The '\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR bit seems a little hacky, but it's a good solution overall.

Flyingmana commented 9 years ago

what is the difference between '\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR and strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN'?

LeeSaferite commented 9 years ago

Well, the PHP_OS value could be CYGWIN which could be a problem, right?

Flyingmana commented 9 years ago

does CYGWIN behave like win or linux? Or is it just undefined :/ Thats probably another issue

HenningCash commented 9 years ago

CYGWIN behaves excactly like default Windows. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR is \ and symlink() without admin privileges also throws the error

array(4) {
  string(50) "symlink(): Cannot create symlink, error code(1314)"
  string(24) "C:\Users\foo\test.php"

So it's save to check only for backslash, even if it's hacky

barryvdh commented 9 years ago

Why not just let Symfony handle it altogether. Just require symfony/filesystem 2.x and use that instead of the Composer filesystem?

Flyingmana commented 9 years ago

@barryvdh you are right, I remember some problems in the past, but its time to move to better reusable parts and reduce our own codebase. Not now, but during one of the next releases the symfony/filesystem component will become a part of the installer. For now this fix should do well