magento / aep-launch

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Error: creating integrated connection #1

Open adobeleo opened 2 years ago

adobeleo commented 2 years ago

Hi expert, We are helping a customer to create an integration btw AA and Magento cloud. the error code 400 will appear when generating the launch property. but In the launch UI, i can see that a property has been created, but three extensions from Search Discovery are missing(SDI Toolkit, Data Layer Manager, AA Product String Builder), and the rules and data elements have not been created. Are there any service communication issues? It could be created correctly two weeks ago...

screen shot 2021-10-25 pm 4 42 28

screen shot 2021-10-25 pm 4 42 29
gciltaru commented 2 years ago


The getExtensionPackageIDs config has the following raw url: "https://{{ADOBE_IO_LAUNCH_HOSTNAME}}/extension_packages?page[size]=999&sort=display_name&filter[platform]=EQ%20web,EQ%20null&max_availability=public"

Our API does not return more than 100 items, even if more items are requested, and SDI Toolkit is not contained by the API response.

I think LAUNCH_EXT_PACKAGE_ID_SDI_TOOLKIT is not computed at all, and this is why creating the extension returns 400.

To fix this, the getExtensionPackageIDs raw url should change to something like: "https://{{ADOBE_IO_LAUNCH_HOSTNAME}}/extension_packages?sort=display_name&filter[platform]=EQ%20web,EQ%20null&filter[name]=EQ%20adobe-analytics,EQ%20adobe-mcid,EQ%20constant-dataelement,EQ%20aa-product-string-search-discovery,EQ%20sdi-toolkit,EQ%20data-layer-manager-search-discovery&max_availability=public" The extension packages added to the filter have to be kept in sync with EXTENSION_MAP from, but both the config and the ProvisionAgent would be changed either way if a new extension package would be added to the mix.

Thanks, George.

adobeleo commented 2 years ago

Hi George, Thanks, based on your suggestions, we updated the raw url and added filter[name] in following query items. It works !! Thank you for your professional advice.